
Friday, August 22, 2008

It's a great loss to SADC, Mugabe mourns Levy

It's a great loss to SADC, Mugabe mourns Levy
By George Chellah, Christopher Miti and Mwala Kalaluka
Friday August 22, 2008 [04:00]

THE death of President Levy Mwanawasa is a great loss to the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region, President Robert Mugabe has said. And Malawian President Bingu wa Mutharika described the late President Mwanawasa as a great son of Africa whose advice, wisdom and contribution to finding a lasting solution to peace and prosperity in the SADC region would always be cherished.

President Mugabe expressed his sympathies in a message of condolences addressed to Zambia’s Vice-President Rupiah Banda on Wednesday evening.

He said Zimbabwe shares Zambia’s sorrow during this period of bereavement and mourning.

President Mugabe said the death of President Mwanawasa was a great loss not only to the people of Zambia but to SADC, the Common Market for Eastern and Southern African (COMESA) region and the entire African continent.

"It is with profound shock and sorrow that I learnt of the untimely death of our dear brother and colleague, His Excellency President Levy Mwanawasa," said President Mugabe. "On behalf of the government and people of Zimbabwe, and on my own behalf, I would like to convey to you, to the Mwanawasa family, as well as to the government and people of the Republic of Zambia, sincere and heartfelt condolences.
"May his soul rest in eternal peace. Please accept, Honourable Vice- President, the expression of our deepest sympathies."

And in his message of condolences released by Malawi's State House and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Vice-President Banda, President Wa Mutharika said he had learnt with deep shock, sorrow and grief about the death of President Mwanawasa at a military hospital in Paris, France on Tuesday.

He said the death of President Mwanawasa was a great loss not only to Zambia but SADC in particular and Africa in general.
President Wa Mutharika said President Mwanawasa worked hard to promote friendship and cooperation between the people of Zambia and Malawi.

President Wa Mutharika asked God to strengthen the bereaved family as well as the people of Zambia on this tragic loss.

And Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth of Britain said President Mwanawasa's leadership achievements had earned him the respect of the Commonwealth and other nations.

In her message of condolences, Queen Elizabeth paid tribute to President Mwanawasa for his commitment and good leadership in serving the country.

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said President Mwanawasa would be remembered for his anti-corruption work and exemplary leadership in the SADC region, apart from growing the Zambian economy.

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper stated that President Mwanawasa's fight against corruption in Zambia and his work towards economic reform would be his lasting legacy.

Harper stated that under President Mwanawasa's leadership, Zambia had been a strong and reliable partner of Canada.

"President Mwanawasa was a strong and principled African leader," Prime Minister Harper stated. "He will be missed."

Meanwhile, Anglican Diocese of Eastern Zambia Bishop William Mchombo stated that President Mwanawasa had left a legacy of good governance, intolerance to corruption and consistency in the running of state affairs.

Bishop Mchombo appealed to the people of Zambia to remain united and peaceful during this time of grief.

"President Mwanawasa has managed to put the economy on good footing. These have helped to earn Zambia and its people a lot of respect and dignity in the region and on international scene.

He has further earned a lot of respect and dignity for Zambia and for Zambians by being a straight forward person and for standing up for the well being of the people of Zimbabwe as they faced political crises," Bishop Mchombo stated.

He stated that President Mwanawasa was selfless in the way he delivered to the Zambian people and had great love for his country.
"On behalf of the Anglican Diocese of Eastern Zambia, and indeed on my own behalf, I would like to convey my deepest sympathy and condolences to the first lady, Mrs Maureen Mwanawasa and the entire Mwanawasa family and indeed to all the people of Zambia.

May the good Lord remain our refuge and fortress in this hour of darkness and distress," stated Bishop Muchombo.

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