
Monday, August 18, 2008

Kaunda and betty ask Tilyenji to step down

Kaunda and betty ask Tilyenji to step down
By Brighton Phiri
Monday August 18, 2008 [04:00]

DR Kenneth Kaunda and his wife Betty have asked their son Tilyenji to step down as UNIP president to pave way for another capable leader to lead the former ruling party. According to sources close to Dr Kaunda’s family, Dr Kaunda recently called for a family caucus meeting at his Kabulonga residence where he advised his son to relinquish the UNIP presidency and submit to the UNIP membership’s call for a national congress to elect new leaders.

According to sources, Dr Kaunda called for a family meeting, which was attended by among others his wife Mama Betty, his nephew Godwin Mfula, his sons Tilyenji and Kaweche to discuss Tilyenji’s leadership and how it had dented the family’s image.

“Since last year, it has been Dr Kaunda’s view that the UNIP leadership under Tilyenji should call for a congress to elect new leaders. It is also the view of family members that Tilyenji steps down because Dr Kaunda has been accused of supporting his leadership despite the party’s losses in elections,” said a source who declined to be named. “Dr Kaunda has been visited by some freedom fighters that feel that UNIP is not properly organised. They have complained that Tilyenji has failed to run the party and asked Dr Kaunda to prevail over him.”

According to sources, Tilyenji tried to defend his leadership style, saying he had his own unique way of conducting politics and that he was on the ground mobilising the party.

But Dr Kaunda, his wife Betty and Kaweche are said to have dismissed Tilyenji’s arguments. Kaweche is reported to have told Tilyenji that he was not popular among the electorates for him to aspire for the presidency, citing the last presidential and general elections in which electorates in Mfuwe, where he contested the parliamentary seat on a UNIP ticket, did not know the UNIP presidential candidate as an indication that Tilyenji was not presidential material.

According to sources, Dr Kaunda told Tilyenji that his leadership was not effective going by the results of the last elections and insisted that an urgent national congress be convened to usher in new leaders.

Dr Kaunda is also said to have told Tilyenji that his arguments were not reflecting the true picture of what was taking place on the ground as far as the UNIP structures were concerned.

Mama Betty is said to have told Tilyenji to step down, as he was not a politician like his late elder brother Major Wezi.

According to sources, Mama Betty cautioned Tilyenji against being stubborn as he risked placing his life in danger if he imposed himself against the wishes of party members.

UNIP has in recent months been rocked with violent differences between the Tilyenji-led UNIP leadership and the UNIP Revival Front which is led by General Malimba Masheke.

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