
Sunday, August 10, 2008

(LUSAKATIMES) Pensioners demand benefits before cabinet’s salary increment (UPDATED)

Pensioners demand benefits before cabinet’s salary increment (UPDATED)
Posted on August 8th, 2008

The Zambia National Pensioners Association (ZANAPA) has appealed to Members of Parliament to ensure government’s internal debt for pensioners is reduced before tackling he issue of salary increments for constitutional office holders.

ZANAPA Secretary for Livingstone and Kazungula District, Patrick Namakando said any increment for cabinet and other high ranking government officers would further increase the financial disparity between pensioners and those in government leadership.

Mr. Namakando told ZANIS in Livingstone Thursday that government owed pensioners a lot of money through the Pensions Board adding that any increment yet to be awarded to cabinet would have devastating effects on pensioners.

He said it was unfair for pensioners to receive percentage increments that only translated to K12, 500 when constitutional office holders were contemplating increments involving millions of kwacha for each individual.

But Vice President Rupiah Banda has said there is no need for sectors of society to start debating on the salary increments when government had not even announced the new emoluments for constitutional office holders, ministers and their deputies.

Meanwhile, the Civil Society in the country has called on government to immediately withdraw the proposed salary increments for Cabinet and other constitutional office bearers.

Civil Society for Poverty Reduction Executive Director Mulima Akapelwa said Vice President Rupiah Banda should lead cabinet in withdrawing the proposed increment before it is taken to Parliament.

Ms. Akapelwa, who issued the statement on behalf of other civil society organisations at a press briefing in Lusaka today, said the proposed increment negates the principle of transparency and accountability as it clearly indicates cabinet’s misplacement of priorities.

She wondered where government would find the money to effect the increment as it was not budgeted for.

She said if government intends to go ahead with the proposal, the same principle should apply to all government workers including University of Zambia Lecturers and students.

And Caritas Zambia Executive Director Sam Mulafulafu wondered why the Ministry of Finance and National Planning has remained mute on the proposed increment.

Mr. Mulafulafu said Finance Minister Ng’andu Magande should explain to the nation how government intends to finance the proposed increments.

Civil Society organisations represented at the briefing included Transparency International Zambia, Women for Change, Non Governmental Coordinating Council and Civil Society for poverty reduction among others.


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