
Saturday, August 09, 2008

(LUSAKATIMES, ZANIS) Read widely, Mulongoti urges Zambians

Read widely, Mulongoti urges Zambians
Posted on August 9th, 2008

Information and Broadcasting Services Minister, Mike Mulongoti has implored Zambians to develop a culture of reading and utilize various public libraries doted around the country. Mr. Mulongoti said libraries were important institutions in any given country from where people should acquire knowledge which was necessary for developing the nation.

He said this in Lusaka today when he officially opened the Francis Kasoma Media Library and Information Resource centre at the University of Zambia (UNZA).

Mr. Mulongoti also launched a book entitled “The Press in Zambia” by Francis Kasoma.

He noted that the Kasoma Media Foundation projects have proved to be effective in the development of Journalism and Mass Communication as it has offered the best and reliable media library.

Mr. Mulongoti said government attached great importance to the provision of information services which he said was an ingredient for social and economic development.

He said it was therefore imperative that journalists and other members of the public acquired the historical book and draw lessons from it, adding that they should also utilize the library.

“As most scholars recommend, for every journalist to have a good and sound historical background of the origin of the press in Zambia, they should understand and exhibit professionalism in the trade,” Mr. Mulongoti said.

Earlier, Kasoma Media Foundation Executive Director, Lesa Basil said the foundation aimed at advancing the practice of journalism through media education and development.

Ms Basil said her organization has since developed a three year strategic plan which would help the foundation to strike a balance between complementing media development and enhancing journalism and mass communication in the country.

And UNZA deputy Vice Chancellor, Wilson Mwenya said the late professor Francis Kasoma contributed significantly to the development of the media community in Zambia.

Dr. Mwenya noted that Prof. Kasoma was in the forefront spearheading media issues, adding that the media has developed because of his tireless efforts.

He said UNZA management was privileged to house the Kasoma Library.

He has since urged students and other members of the public to make use of the library.


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