Sunday, August 17, 2008

Magande implores youths to be innovative, self-motivated

Magande implores youths to be innovative, self-motivated
By Fridah Zinyama
Sunday August 17, 2008 [04:01]

FINANCE minister Ng’andu Magande (right) has said the government is cognisant of the fact that Zambia’s future is dependent on the quality of ingenuity and creativity of today’s youth. And ‘Creating the Future’ conference co-ordinator Chibamba Kanyama said the youth are the future of Zambia hence the need for them to be properly guided into their destiny.

During the official opening of the conference for youths at Mulungushi International Conference Centre yesterday titled ‘Creating the future’, Magande said in order for Zambia to achieve the goal of being a prosperous country by the year 2030, it would require a calibre of highly innovative, qualified and self-motivated individuals who will require to work with zeal and purpose.

“The Vision 2030 reflects the collective understanding, aspirations and determination of the Zambian people to be a prosperous middle income nation,” Magande said.

“This document sets out the goals and targets to be achieved in the various spheres of our social-economic life over the next generation.”

Magande expressed optimism that the youths attending the conference were the ones that would propel Zambia’s future development.

“I am confident that the workforce that will transform our current and traditional ways of doing business and propel Zambia to Vision 2030 is here today,” Magande said.

He encouraged the youths to work hard as the future innovations of Zambia were likely to come from them.

“Amongst you, I see prominent lawyers, renowned economists, reputable politicians, notable bankers, doctors, engineers and ethical businessmen and women,” Magande said.
He further encouraged the youths to have positive attitudes if they were to be successful in their future endeavours.

“As individuals, we must have personal integrity and have respect for other people, their possessions and opinions,” he said. “It is such personal attributes that we will fit into a strong community.”

Magande also said the government through the Citizens Economic Fund had set aside some funds that could be utilised by youths in the country.

And Kanyama said it was important to prepare the youths for the opportunities ahead of them.

“It is my hope and prayer that the conference will grow into what will be viewed as a regional ‘Teens-partnership’ to parallel the just ended “Smart partnership,” he said.

Kanyama hoped that with the support of all stakeholders, the youth conference would become popular as to attract participation from the sub-Saharan region.

The motivational youth conference attracted about 3,500 youths aged between 12-25 years, from across the country and was organised by ‘creating the future conference’ headed by Chibamba Kanyama.

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