
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Masebo scolds utilities seeking pay rise

Masebo scolds utilities seeking pay rise
By Edwin Mbulo in Livingstone
Tuesday August 12, 2008 [04:00]

LOCAL government minister Sylvia Masebo has castigated water utility companies for trying to increase their salaries at the expense of providing clean and safe drinking water to Zambians. And Southern Province minister Daniel Munkombwe praised Masebo for being a renovation of leadership in Zambian politics.

Speaking when she launched this year's 'Keep Zambia clean and healthy' programme at the Livingstone Civic Centre, Masebo said the Southern Water and Sewerage Company (SWASCO) and other water utility companies in the country had a tendency of improving their workers' salaries instead of improving services.

"Even before you talk about increasing water tariffs, let's improve our services. People will appreciate the tariff increases. Do not increase salaries at the expense of the people we are claiming to be serving," she said. "There is no excuse for SWASCO not to improve water supply in Livingstone being the tourist capital and the largest share holder in the company."

Masebo also took a swipe at some Zambians' way of life saying people still had a tendency to be dirty.

"We are faced with a big challenge to change people's mindset. I know that it takes a lot of time as a lot of people had forgotten to keep clean," she said. "Many people still don't want to bath or comb their hair. People still want to go into the bush to answer the call of nature instead of using the toilets. People still want to drink dirty water. However, the general reaction to this programme has improved."

Masebo thanked the women of Livingstone women for joining hands to clean the streets daily on a voluntary basis.

"The United Nations has declared 2008 as a year of sanitation and one of the challenges is that in some towns there are no toilets and people are forced to go behind a tree to answer the call of nature when pressed. I commend the Livingstone City Council for having built a fourth public toilet in the city centre," she said.

However, Masebo castigated Livingstone City Council for having no water in the mayor's toilet.

"Don't tell me that there is no water at the falls. If you have problems with your pipes, sink a borehole here. You are not in a village. How do you tell people to keep clean if you don't have water at the civic centre?" she asked.

"I need to thank Livingstone women for cleaning the streets. Livingstone has changed a lot but there is more that needs to be done."

Masebo also said she was always inspired to listen to Munkombwe as he is an inspiration to the young.

And Munkombwe said even at the age of 76, he has striven to work hard and urged people to do likewise.

"What I’m saying is that young lady (Masebo) you have made a grade, you are a renovation of leadership. As for you people in Livingstone if you chose to be backward, other people in other towns will be ahead of you," he said.

Munkombwe said despite being a minister, his wife had joined the women's group who go round in Livingstone to clean the streets on a voluntary basis.
"My wife here is a graduate but she is sweeping here in the streets. If you employ a worker to clean your house, it is also okay for you to be found cleaning the house. Forget about your status in society," Munkombwe said.

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