Monday, August 11, 2008

Masud praises Zambian media's professionalism

Masud praises Zambian media's professionalism
By Mutale Kapekele in Livingstone
Monday August 11, 2008 [04:00]

THE media in Zambia is responsible, Barclays Bank managing director for southern Africa region Zafar Masud has said. And Masud said Zambia should be one of the richest countries in the world. Addressing the press after a luncheon organised for Barclays Bank Livingstone-based clients at Zambezi Sun Hotel on Saturday, Masud said he had noticed that the media in the country was responsible and ethical in its work.

"I have visited many countries and I must say the media here is well disciplined and very professional," Masud said. "They always bring out both the bad things and the good, at the same time following high ethical standards. I wish that journalists from other countries could learn from your ethics."

Masud said he regarded accountability and journalism as the two most important ingredients for national development. And Masud said Zambia should be one of the richest countries in the world given its massive potential.

"Zambia has huge tourism potential especially in Luapula where you find gorgeous and out-of-this-world sites," he said. "You are blessed with 40 per cent of water resources in the SADC region, 81 per cent literacy rate, a population which has half of the people below 25 years, huge land with a small population. All of these things are recipes for success; I don't see why Zambia should not be the richest country in the world."

He said Barclays Bank Zambia would work with the government to promote tourism and investment potential in the country.

"Being the largest bank in the country, we have decided to work the government to promote tourism especially traditional ceremonies and water falls," Masud said. "I will personally travel with government officials to India, Dubai and China to make sure they meet with our clients there and create linkages."

Earlier, Masud told Barclays Bank clients that his organisation would introduce 85 new Automated Teller Machines (ATM) in the next few months.

And in a vote of thanks, Livingstone Adventures managing director Daan Brink said Barclays Bank had managed to give its clients extensive and world class services for many years.

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