
Monday, August 25, 2008

Morales urges army to protect Bolivia's unity

Morales urges army to protect Bolivia's unity
By Larry Moonze in Havana, Cuba
Monday August 25, 2008 [04:00]

BOLIVIAN leader Evo Morales has asked the army to protect the unity of this Andean nation. Marking the 108th anniversary of the Maximiliano Paredes Sergeant School in Cochabamba last Thursday, President Morales said thinking about the homeland above all was important.

Bolivia is witnessing political divisions despite President Morales' call for reconciliation talks with estranged right wing opposition regional governors.

Leaders in five opposition-controlled states declared a general strike on Tuesday that paralysed a broad swath of the already deeply divided Bolivia.

The four striking states of Santa Cruz, Beni, Pando and Tarija have held referenda demanding greater autonomy from the central government and the fifth pro-strike state of Chuquisaca contemplate a similar vote.

Clashes broke out in the eastern city of Santa Cruz which is the epicentre of the political opposition.

President Morales called on the army to be examples of dedication to the defence of the country's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

"Study and be trained to defend the unity of Bolivia," said President Morales, according state-run agency ABI.

President Morales said during his military service, he was trained to handle weapons and learnt to be disciplined and to protect the country.

He proposed compulsory military service in Bolivia.

President Morales asked the legislative body to pass a bill for compulsory military service so that young people could learn to defend their country.

He also said his administration was recovering Bolivia's dignity by allowing the army to participate in the nationalisation of natural resources.

President Morales further announced the approval of US$600 million for construction of army and police facilities in Cochabamba.

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