
Saturday, August 02, 2008

Musukuma explains why KK, Chiluba were not invited to Smart Partnership

Musukuma explains why KK, Chiluba were not invited to Smart Partnership
By Noel Sichalwe
Saturday August 02, 2008 [04:01]

PRESIDENT Levy Mwanawasa’s press aide John Musukuma yesterday said the government could not invite former presidents Dr Kenneth Kaunda and Frederick Chiluba to the Smart Partnership conference because they are not fellows to the partnership movement.

Musukuma said all the former presidents that attended the Global Southern Africa Smart Partnership conference were invited as fellows of Commonwealth Partnership for Technology and Management (CPTM).

He said former Namibian president Sam Nujoma, former Mozambican president Joaquim Chissano and former president of Botswana Sir Ketumile Masire were invited as fellows of the CPTM.

“We do not invite former presidents, we invite fellows,” Musukuma explained.
According to the Mulungushi Smart Notes, a fellow of CPTM may be bestowed on any head of governments or persons of private eminence in governments or in private or public sector companies and organisations who actively support the concept and practice.

Such persons may have also provided CPTM thoughtful leadership on developmental issues and guidance on financial sustainability, who have been invited by other fellows to become a fellow of CPTM.

CPTM was set up by the Commonwealth Heads of Government in Auckland, New Zealand in October 1995. Over the years, CPTM has pioneered ways to take new ideas forward through the Smart Partnership International Dialogue.

The document states that a special category of mainly heads of state and government have been invited to become CPTM fellows to provide advice on how to take new ideas forward which have generated in discussions through the medium of the country, regional and global organisations.

The government did not invite Dr Kaunda and Chiluba to attend the conference despite hosting the dialogue at Mulungushi International Conference Centre (MICC) in Lusaka. The conference ended on Thursday.

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