
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

(TALKZIMBABWE) MDC brings disrepute to Parliament

MDC brings disrepute to Parliament
Nyasha Dangarembizi─Opinion
Wed, 27 Aug 2008 13:40:00 +0000

DEAR EDITOR─THE newly installed hooligan MPs from the Movement for Democratic Change will bring disrepute to the system of governance in Zimbabwe, something they purport to be promoting.

Yesterday’s hooligan behaviour when Mugabe addressed Parliament cannot be condoned by any right thinking Zimbabwe and any attempt to defend such behaviour is ludicrous.

The promises by the opposition to give greater respect, weight, significance to Zimbabwean politics have not been delivered.

The House of Assembly is the most peaceful and sober institution in Zimbabwe. Respectable opposition politicians like Prof. Welshman Ncube and David Coltart served well alongside Zanu PF members without any iuncidents, except perhaps for that Roy Bennett accident years ago – another MDC hooligan.

Our parliament needs to mutate if it wants to survive and members were elected by the people to represent their interests, not to engage in such beastly behaviour.

Our Parliament is facing a crisis of respect. Our legislators need to communicate better if they are to be effective. The MPs need to be educated about the importance and relevance of the the House.

A key challenge for everyone in politics who wishes to improve the standing of Parliament must be to demonstrate in the clearest terms that the decisions they take during proceedings have a direct impact on the lives of the people they represent.

How can such hooligans uphold parliament's role to hold the executive to account when they behave like a bunch of illiterates themselves?

Nyasha Dangarembizi

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