
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Tilyenji faction's continued fighting is threatening democracy, says M

Tilyenji faction's continued fighting is threatening democracy, says M
By Lambwe Kachali
Tuesday August 12, 2008 [04:00]

THE continued fighting and squabbles by the Tilyenji Kaunda faction against me is threatening Zambia's democracy, UNIP National Revival Forum (NRF) chairperson General Malimba Masheke has said. And Gen Masheke said no amount of threat or intimidation will stop NRF from holding the UNIP congress. Meanwhile, police had a tough time quelling the violence by Tilyenji's supporters who were led by party national secretary for women affairs Beatrice Kayuni.

During the Newsmakers Forum organised by the Press Freedom Committee (PFC) of The Post on Sunday themed 'Can UNIP form the next government?, Gen Masheke wondered why the Tilyenji group was against him when all he wanted was to make UNIP become politically active as it were before.

Gen Masheke said he had known UNIP for its activism in politics and that it had never failed to hold party congresses since its inception.

He said UNIP's failure to hold the congress and its poor performance in elections was enough to show that the party was politically dead.

"The challenge posed by the demise of UNIP has generated anger and swift response from the ordinary members of the party. Soon after our expose of 18 May this year, many concerned members and various groups and factions came together and formed a united front UNIP National Revival Forum to stop the rot that is posing a danger to the life and survival of UNIP," Gen Masheke said.

"Party members must know that UNIP belongs to them and not the illegal and failed Tilyenji leadership. Therefore, they should not allow these selfish and greedy leaders to hijack their party or plunder the resources or the party."

Responding to a question from UNIP deputy secretary general Reverend Alfred Banda who wanted to know if Gen Masheke was holding duo membership since he was still a member of the Forum for Democracy and Development (FDD) and that his Revival Forum was illegal, Gen Masheke said he resigned from FDD sometime back and was re-admitted in UNIP by one of the district committees that he could not disclose for fear of victimisation.

He said Rev Banda was entitled to his opinion but that would not stop him from reviving UNIP, the party which he said had contributed to the liberation struggle of many countries both in central and southern Africa.

"Reverend Banda is just an impostor, masquerading as UNIP secretary general. There is nobody who elected Banda as UNIP SG; the problem with Banda is that he is masquerading both as party SG and as reverend in church because even in his church, no one knows who ordained him as reverend," he said.

Gen Masheke said it was unacceptable that the current UNIP leadership had plundered most party assets without considering the interest of the general membership.

"We cannot criticise the government in power of corruption when we are also corrupt," he said.

And responding to Antonio Mwanza who advised UNIP leadership to resolve their problems as currently the party did not command support and trust from the voters, Gen Masheke said there was need for the general membership to choose genuine leadership at the congress.

"Those who cause violence for fear of our forum fear their own shadows. What is paining the members is its inactiveness on the political scene, and now all we need is to call for a congress so that leaders can seek new mandate from the general membership, and that will make UNIP a better and more active party," said Gen Masheke.

Prior to the Newsmakers Forum, police picked up four female UNIP members for allegedly attempting to disrupt the meeting.

The four wanted to confront Gen Masheke whose forum, according to them was illegal.

When the fight started, police quickly moved in and picked up four ring leaders among them, Kayuni.

UNIP member of the central committee Enos Hangoma accused PFC chairperson Sheikh Chifuwe of causing chaos by giving NRF a platform to talk about UNIP affairs.

Hangoma said PFC was to blame for whatever chaos would happen between the Gen Masheke and Tilyenji factions.

But Chifuwe said PFC had the right to invite Gen Masheke because the committee promoted freedom of speech and expression in the country.

Chifuwe said no amount of intimidation would stop PFC from promoting freedom of information, expression and speech in society.

NRF was represented by members from all the nine provinces of Zambia.

On Saturday, PFC hosted UNIP vice-president Njekwa Anamela and members of Gen Masheke attended the meeting but did not cause any violence.

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