
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

ZIP calls for strict land allocation, utilisation rules

ZIP calls for strict land allocation, utilisation rules
By Florence Bupe
Tuesday August 26, 2008 [04:00]

THE Zambia Institute of Planners (ZIP) has advised the government to institute firmer regulations in land allocation and utilisation. And the organisation has lamented the under-utilisation of trained planners in the country. In an interview, ZIP president Simeo Siame said the country lacked a strong legal backing in land use.

"There is need for serious land use and planning regulations in the country. We need to have serious land allocation supervision," he said.

Siame also suggested that the government should take a different approach in dealing with illegal settlements.

"Regarding illegal settlements, what is needed is to first re- plan these areas and then start to demolish the old sections in a phased fashion to bring the new planning into effect," Siame said. "The same land should be used, only with better structures."

He reiterated the need for the government to act on decongesting major cities and develop idle land. Siame said the government had been planning the decongestion process for a long time without much action towards the achievement of these plans.

"Government needs to be decisive about reordering main cities, especially Lusaka, they shouldn't just be talking. In my view, all urban cities actually need a new master plan," he said.

And Siame complained that Zambia was not utilising its professional planners.

"Planners need to be involved in the planning process. This task has largely been left to engineers and architects alone. Physical planning is a specific profession," Siame observed.

"This area is well articulated in the rest of the region, but this country has lost out."

Siame said it was saddening that the country had to continue depending on foreigners for planning purposes.

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