
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Aka resigns as ACC commissioner

Aka resigns as ACC commissioner
By Mwala Kalaluka
Wednesday September 24, 2008 [04:00]

ANTI Corruption Commission chairperson justice Valentine Chileshe has welcomed Akashambatwa Mbikusita-Lewanika's resignation as commissioner following his active involvement in politics.

Justice Chileshe disclosed during a briefing at ACC House yesterday that the Commission did not support Aka or any other commissioner's involvement in active politics in that manner or in the way he had shown preference for the one candidate.

"Recently, members of the public have at different fora raised concerns about the involvement of ACC commissioner Akashambatwa Mbikusita-Lewanika's involvement in active politics where he has clearly and openly supported the candidature of His Honour the Vice-President Mr Rupiah Banda as presidential candidate for the forthcoming presidential elections," justice Chileshe said. "I further wish to state that the position of the Commission is that ACC commissioners and staff of the directorate of the Commission should not be involved in active politics as that creates a conflict of interest that undermines our role of fighting corruption without fear, favour or political affiliation, real or perceived."

Justice Chileshe said such involvement negatively affected the public's confidence in the work of the Commission.
"The legal provision under section 8(2) of the ACC Act provides for the resignation of an ACC commissioner upon giving one month notice in writing to the President. However, under the circumstances highlighted above, there is nothing to stop Mr Akashambatwa Mbikusita-Lewanika from resigning his position with immediate effect."

ACC acting director Rosewin Wandi said the Commission had received three complaints of electoral malpractices and that two of them were being investigated but could not give further details.

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