
Saturday, September 27, 2008

Caught in their own web of lies

Caught in their own web of lies
By Editor
Saturday September 27, 2008 [04:00]

The Zambian people are not fools, they are intelligent people who are capable of analysing what's being said and done by their politicians. And they are following closely and intelligently the electoral corruption discourse going on. This is probably because they want to have elections that are free and fair. And a reader of The Post yesterday sent us a letter which read:


The revelations of money exchanging hands at Government House must unnerve any Zambian who truly loves this country and cares about their own welfare and that of posterity.

Watch this: James Lukuku reveals National Revolution Party has been paid K15 million to endorse Rupiah Banda's bid for State House, but Cozmo Mumba, William Banda and Mike Mulongoti vehemently deny knowledge of or involvement in any such transaction, with Mulongoti even accusing The Post of just being malicious.

Cozmo: Even if you called Mr Mulongoti now, he will confirm that that he never met us... I didn't see that envelope myself, unless somebody else received it. My deputy national chairman did not receive it unless he went alone using the party name and got money, which is criminal.

William Banda: I never saw them, they didn't come there. If they came there, I would have been aware about them. Who cleared them because I was supposed to clear them if they came there? If they have told you that, it's a lie.

Mulongoti: You think with my status I can be an usher? ...You mean I should not be at Government House? If I am there, I am meeting the Revolution Party? (The Post, September 25)

But a day later, the same Mulongoti confesses that the alleged transaction did indeed take place but it was only a 'small donation'. And why at Government House anyway? It does not at all require one to be a career investigator to smell a rat here.

What disgusting politicians! Just what do they take Zambians for? Their pets? Why can't some of these characters learn to honourably resign, especially when they make a public shame of themselves the way Mulongoti has done.

Rupiah even has the audacity to visit Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) and play clean with pronouncements of being committed to the fight against corruption.

One can only imagine what could have prompted that visit in the first place. Anyway, I sincerely hope that ACC will not wait too long before they return that visit to equally show their commitment to the crusade against the horrible cancer of corruption, especially in public office.

I don't care about the amounts involved; it is enough that if there have been cancerous activities at Government House, come October 30, they must never, never be allowed to extend their deadly tentacles to the heart of the nation - State House; otherwise, that will spell doom for us. We will be dead and buried."

The depth of deceit, crookedness, calumny, lies, manipulation to which Rupiah Banda and sponsors seem prepared to sink to win the October 30 elections is frightening.

It is even more frightening that they are not ashamed to come out in the open to expose their deceitfulness before the nation. Normal human beings are known to have shame. But these characters don't seem to be ashamed of any wrongdoing, of lying.

It is very clear that Rupiah and his sponsors are taking Zambians for granted.
We carried a story on Thursday where New Revolution Party former secretary general James Lukuku revealed that Rupiah gave them K15 million to endorse him as their preferred presidential candidate.

Lukuku revealed that the money was given to them by William Banda and Mike Mulongoti after their meeting with Rupiah. We also reported that this money exchanged hands because it was first wrongly given to Nevers Mumba who had a meeting with Rupiah earlier. However, after a couple of phone calls, Cozmo Mumba and his officials managed to get back the K15 million.

When we contacted Mike, he was very upset that we had reduced him to the level of an usher when he was chief government spokesperson. Mike also asked us whether we think that he can only go to Government House to meet New Revolution Party officials.

William denied having seen Cozmo and his officials at Government House. He said he is always found at Government House because he is a protocol officer and that if Cozmo and his officials went there, he would have even been the one to usher them into the Vice-President's office.

Nevers confirmed that he had a meeting with Rupiah but denied anything to do with the envelope containing K15 million. However, he confirmed having seen Cozmo and his officials.

Cozmo confirmed having met Rupiah and disclosed that they talked about continuity, genuineness of the K30 billion Youth Fund and how the young people could be involved in national development. Cozmo denied having received any money.

But Mike on Thursday called for a press briefing, where The Post was not even invited despite having originated the story, and confirmed that the MMD actually gave New Revolution Party leaders K15 million to help them file in their nominations. Mike said there is nothing wrong with offering assistance to political parties and it is sad that certain sections of the media want to politicise the money given to New Revolution Party to enable the party to file in nominations.

This is contrary to what his boss, Rupiah, said when he toured the Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) offices. Rupiah said media allegations that he bribed opposition party officials for them to endorse his presidential candidature in the October 30 were mere politics.

The inconsistencies, contradictions and dishonesty of the people involved in this entire scheme are embarrassing and frightening. How can Mike, who earlier denied having been at Government House, tell the nation that the MMD had given New Revolution Party K15 million for their party activities?

Does it make sense that William who is always found at Government House did not see Cozmo and yet Mike has confirmed receiving a budget from the New Revolution Party leaders the same day they had a meeting with Rupiah?

Where does this revelation leave Cozmo who earlier said he did not get any money from Rupiah? How can people believe remarks by Rupiah at the ACC offices that he did not bribe the opposition when his campaign manager has just told the nation that the MMD 'donated' K15 million to the New Revolution Party?

Mike is saying that there is nothing wrong with MMD helping other political parties. Does it make sense for the ruling party to fund an opposition political party to run in the same election?

If it does make sense to them, how can they explain Rupiah's statement during his meeting with Cozmo where he said that the party has not received enough funding for them to meet New Revolution Party's budget of K80 million?

Since when did the MMD become so generous with funds to an extent of funding parties like the New Revolution Party? Why was the donation made at Government House when the so-called 'big brother party' has a secretariat at Lusaka House, a campaign office in Rhodes Park and a district office on Freedom Way in the central business district?

Anyway, this does not surprise us. MMD spokesman Benny Tetamashimba clearly stated that they wanted Rupiah to be adopted as the presidential candidate because he would be able to use state resources as acting Republican President.

It is these resources that Rupiah has started using or rather abusing? That is why in one breath, Rupiah says his party has not received enough funding and in another, Mike says his party was merely helping the New Revolution Party. It is clear that these characters are taking Zambians for granted, they have no respect for the Zambian people and their intelligence.

With these characters around, we will have so many political parties on their payrolls. They will corrupt their fellow politicians to an extent that it will distort our multiparty democracy. With these characters in power, this country will be sliding backwards in very long strides.

Again, we warned against the adoption of people like Rupiah.
What does this whole story tell about Rupiah's character and personality? How can anyone take Rupiah's statement at ACC on his commitment to fighting corruption in the country seriously?

Which legacy are these characters trying to continue when they talk about "continuing with Levy's legacy?"

These are honest questions seeking honest answers.
It is clear that Rupiah and his sponsors are engaging in questionable practices in their campaigns. The K15 million may be a tip of the iceberg. We can only imagine how many 'donations' the other people frequenting Government House have received from 'big brother' Rupiah.

And we welcome Cozmo's appeal that the ACC should investigate this matter and bring the culprits to book.

We remind Rupiah and his friends of the saying: "What a web we weave for ourselves when we practice to deceive!"

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