
Thursday, September 11, 2008

Chief Kambwali grants land for palm oil project

Chief Kambwali grants land for palm oil project
By Mwala Kalaluka
Thursday September 11, 2008 [04:00]

CHIEF Kambwali of Nchelenge district has granted 9,500 hectares of land to a South African investor to set-up a palm oil plantation in Mulwe area of the district. District commissioner Wilson Kasoloko said yesterday that the investor, Biomax, plans to invest US$80 million in the palm oil project that is expected to come into full operation by 2017.

"9,500 hectares has been allocated to the company and Biomax has an investment plan of US$80 million for the palm oil project and out of this US$50 million will be spent on the establishment of the palm oil plantation in Nchelenge while US$30 million will be spent on setting up a palm oil refinery plant in Ndola," Kasoloko said. "Out of 9,500 hectares of land given, 5,000 hectares will be set aside for the palm oil plantation while the 4,500 hectares will be used to grow other crops such as maize."

Kasoloko said the investors briefed him that it would take nine months to complete the design of the project, which is expected to commence this month.

"This will go up to May/June 2009; that is the designing of the project," he said.

Kasoloko said the other part of the year would be characterised by the setting up of a nursery, construction of water schemes at the site for irrigation and the clearing of land for the plantation.

"The nursery will take 15 months before transplanting the seedlings and that means planting will be around October 2010," he said. "During the same period, the company will be building the refinery in Ndola. In 2013, the plantation will be commissioned in Mulwe and five hectares will be planted over a five-year period. By 2017, the palm oil plantation will be fully operational."

Kasoloko also said the company is expected to employ between 200 and 300 local people.

"They will be producing biofuels, that is biodiesel. At full capacity, the company will be producing 20,000 tonnes of bio-diesel per year," he said. "We as government are very glad because the company will create employment for the local people in Nchelenge, because as you know it is very difficult to find employment in the rural areas."

Kasoloko said the investment would also greatly contribute to the national revenue base.

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