
Sunday, September 21, 2008

Chihana urges govt to do away with proposed salary increments

Chihana urges govt to do away with proposed salary increments
By Masuzyo Chakwe
Sunday September 21, 2008 [04:00]

INTERNATIONAL Fellowship of Christian Churches (IFCC) president Bishop Simon Chihana yesterday said it would have been better for the government to completely do away with the proposed salary increments for constitutional office holders instead of shelving it.

Commenting on the statement by Vice-President Rupiah Banda that he will not assent to the Bills on emoluments for constitutional office bearers, which sailed through all the stages in Parliament, Bishop Chihana said the announcement was a good idea but the Vice-President should not have waited for the elections to do that.

He said Vice-President Banda should have stopped the bills completely in the interest of the nation as opposed to referring them back to Parliament.

Bishop Chihana wondered why it had to take an election to see whether the Bill would be endorsed or not.

"I think that way it is going to help a lot. To look at it with a clear mind, a lot of people are concerned in as far as the needs of people," he said.

Bishop Chihana said the government should have first looked at the needs of junior officers in the government before they looked at their salaries.

"Just like in a home, a parent is concerned about his children and when the children are satisfied, he too can satisfy himself," Bishop Chihana.

Vice-President Banda on Thursday during the launch of his campaign for the presidency revealed that he had not assented to the Bills seeking to increase salaries and allowances for constitutional office holders and would send them back to Parliament for re-consideration.

"Let me assure you that I have listened to the concerns of the Zambian people. On that note, as you know I have still not signed the legislation concerning the salary pay rise of constitutional office holders. I will ask my colleagues to look at the legislation once again. I will be sending this legislation back to Parliament for re-consideration," said Vice-President Banda.

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