
Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Consider stunting an emergency, urges PAM

Consider stunting an emergency, urges PAM
By Masuzyo Chakwe
Tuesday September 02, 2008 [04:00]

PROGRAMME Against Malnutrition (PAM) executive director Paul Kapotwe has said stunting in Zambia is very high and should be considered as an emergency. Kapotwe said even though the majority of child deaths in Zambia were preventable, the means to totally eradicate child mortality were inadequate.

"There are several causes of child and infant mortality especially in under five children. Disease is the main cause but malnutrition is also another and more prevalent cause in many cases," he said.

Kapotwe said more than 70 per cent of around 11 million child deaths every year result from either diarrhoea, malaria, neonatal infection, pneumonia, preterm delivery, lack of oxygen at birth and malnutrition.

He said malnutrition in Zambia was characterised by stunting (visible signs of slow physical and physiological growth) which currently stands around 47 per cent.

Kapotwe said others were underweight - (visible signs of reduced weight in relation to age and physical body state) - which was around 28 per cent in Zambia and wasting which was about five per cent and had been stable at that rate generally.

He said child mortality was very high in Zambia and other developing countries and was posing a constant development challenge among vulnerable households.

Kapotwe said to address malnutrition, PAM had been broadening food staple base from just maize to crops like cassava, cowpeas, beans and other foods.

He said PAM also provides nutrition information and growth monitoring.
Kapotwe said his organisation also provides home visits and technical assistance to communities to ensure practices in food processing and nutrition are adopted.

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