
Monday, September 29, 2008

Go on leave, PF asks Teta and Mulongoti

Go on leave, PF asks Teta and Mulongoti
By Chibaula Silwamba in Lusaka and Henry Chibulu in Mazabuka
Monday September 29, 2008 [04:00]

THE opposition Patriotic Front (PF) has written to information minister Mike Mulongoti and local government deputy minister Benny Tetamashimba asking them to take leave from their government positions during the campaign period to avoid further breaching of the electoral Act.

In a letter dated September 25, 2008, PF secretary general Edward Mumbi stated that his party had evidence that Mulongoti and Tetamashimba had breached the provisions of the electoral Act by using government transport and facilities for campaign purposes.

“Reference is made to the above mentioned regulations made pursuant to the Electoral Act, (Act No. 12 of 2006) 90 of 2006. We have in possession evidence to the effect that, you have breached the provisions of the above mentioned Law by using your positions in government to campaign for the acting President, Mr Rupiah Banda,” Mumbi said.

“You have been seen using government transport and facilities for campaign purposes, apart from appearing together with the acting President at a number of meetings and functions relating to his campaign. This has been in your capacities as ministers in your various ministries.”

Mumbi further stated: “Regulation 7 (K) provides as follows: - ‘A person shall not use government or parastal transport, a facility for campaign purposes; provided that this paragraph shall not apply to use by the President and the Vice-President in connection with their respective offices.

As a result of your breach of the said regulation we hereby advise that you take leave of absence from your government positions.”
He stated that the PF demanded that the Mulongoti and Tetamashimba go on leave within 24 hours from the date of its letter or they would face the risk of legal proceedings being instituted against them.

“…in which we will demand that you be compelled by law to surrender your government portfolios,” Mumbi stated.
However, the 24 hour ultimatum has expired.
Mumbi observed that it was very sad that top government officials like Mulongoti and Tetamashimba could resort to abusing their positions in government with impunity to campaign for a candidate, knowing fully that such conduct was a complete breach of electoral law.

Mumbi’s letter was copied to the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) chairperson, ECZ director, Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) director general and Transparent International Zambia.

In another letter to the ECZ chairperson dated September 24, 2008, Mumbi demanded that it be made mandatory for election results to be pasted or affixed prominently at every polling station as soon as they were announced by the returning officer before electronically transmitting them to the ECZ headquarters.

“This demand is not costly considering that only the presidential election and two parliamentary by-elections in Mwansabombwe and Ndola Central constituencies will be conducted on the 30th of October, 2008,” stated Mumbi.

Meanwhile, Choma Town Clerk Golden Banda has disclosed that the ECZ will be displaying election results outside the polling stations to clear suspicion of vote rigging.

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