
Friday, September 05, 2008

History will absolve us

History will absolve us
By Editor
Friday September 05, 2008 [04:00]

There is need for always to be ready to stand up for the truth. We say this because truth is in the interest of the people and lies, deceit, manipulation are against the interest of the people.

But standing up for the truth, for what is right, just, fair is not always a popular undertaking. However, for us, popularity, easy life, a life without struggle, without sacrifices don’t mean anything to us. We don’t torture ourselves about such things. We are more concerned with preserving and advancing principles, ideas of justice and fairness. We are more concerned with the creation of a more humane society, the establishment of a nation overflowing with solidarity and love for our fellow human beings.

Over the last few days – from the time the issue of succession started to be openly discussed in the MMD – we have received all sorts of accusations and insinuations. Some idiots have claimed that in deciding the position we have taken on succession, we have been motivated by the interests of our businesses.

It is not difficult to discern that this is all rubbish, this is all lies. But how else can these crooks live if not by lies, deceit, manipulation and calumny? Our history is there for everyone to see. We have done everything that we have done, we have achieved everything that we have achieved through hard work, with integrity and honour.

We have not sought any favours from those in government. Of course we have the right not to be discriminated when it comes to government resources and facilities – it is our constitutional entitlement. And if anyone tries to take away anything that we are legally entitled to, or discriminate against us, they will not do so without a fight.

If vanity, selfishness, ambition and business interest were the things that motivate us, there is no way we would have fought for so many years against the corrupt and intolerant Chiluba regime. If we could survive that, we will survive anything.

We have never supported things or any individual or group simply because they are popular and that’s where everyone is flocking. We have always done so on principle. We opposed Chiluba and fought his regime at the height of his popularity, when many people, including clergymen, were falling on each other trying to get favours from his corrupt regime. What some of our companies operating in highly regulated and complex business environment have been doing or trying to do with the government has nothing to do with favours.

The concessions they have sought from the government are what our government has given to others, especially foreign enterprises. It is madness for any sensible politician to think of fixing a company which employs over 200 people, a company of such a high value to other sectors of our economy and generating a turnover of over four million dollars a month simply because those connected with it, those who have invested in it, had vigorously opposed a particular presidential candidate.

This is the type of government Rupiah and his sponsors want to bring us. This country does not belong to any group or individual who wins an election. Chiluba used to think the same way. But where is he today? We survived Chiluba and we will survive them. Ours has never been an easy life, it will never be an easy life, it will always be a difficult life, one of endless struggle as long as evil exists in our country. We know those who are used to parasitic existence on government can never believe that others can survive and prosper without government contracts, deals, jobs and in some cases, outright theft of public funds.

We will always identify ourselves with principles, with honest and integrity, even if it is unpopular to do so. We say this because to behave otherwise is to be opportunistic; it is to refuse to struggle for a better society. We will always fight evil because evil has to be fought. And if these gentlemen can treat their fellow citizens who differ with them in a multiparty political dispensation like this, then what is in stock for foreign investors and others who are not nationals of our country must be frightening. It is either you are with them or you are condemned and your businesses will not receive any favourable treatment from a government they control. The intolerance of these idiots is truly embarrassing.

But they shouldn’t cheat themselves that they will have things their way. This country belongs to all of us. If it will not be good for us to live in it under their rule, it will also not be good for them to live in. They are not dealing with individuals they can corrupt, intimidate or hire.

Their winning election doesn’t mean much to us. How many crooks have won elections in a competition with decent people? How many decent people have crooks defeated in elections? Does this mean crookedness has been turned into a virtue, which those seeking political office should all follow to win elections? Even Hitler had won an election and was very popular.

And Rupiah shouldn’t cheat himself that he has total loyalty of his sponsors. These are not men and women who believe in loyalty – and they are saying so openly. They believe in political expedience and not in genuine, honest and selfless support for anyone. Their primary motivation in supporting him does not lie in his virtues or abilities. It lies in their vanity, in their greed; it is for personal gain.

They all know Rupiah’s weakness very well and they are supporting him so that they can exploit this. Some of these elements supporting Rupiah were already campaigning for the 2011 election and are simply not just ready for this by-election. It won’t be long before they resume their activities. And the unity that seems to be among them today will soon disappear because everything they are doing today is simply transitional.

Some of them have been heard to say they don’t want somebody strong, they want a weak president who they can easily remove in 2011; someone they can easily manipulate and get whatever they want. There are also elements around Rupiah who are simply tribal. And they know all his weaknesses and deficiencies but they are saying wako ni wako.

We are really on the verge of returning to the Chiluba type of politics – corrupt and vindictive politics. But we will not be part of those aiding such a process, such a reversal.

And the political methods, the things these elements are ready to say and do to win power tell a lot about the character and intentions of these elements and what we should expect from them.

What we are saying about Rupiah today will certainly be their ammunition against him in a few months time. Mark our words.
As we have stated before, we have nothing personal against Rupiah. This is not a personal matter.

It may not be pleasant to see the truth, but we can assure you that the alternative is virtual slavery. Standing up for what is right isn’t popular. But our job is to tell people the things they don’t know. Our job is to tell the people the things they can’t ask for in a survey.

We should always go into the whys and wherefores of anything, use our heads and carefully think over whether or not it corresponds to reality and is really well founded; on no account should we follow blindly. And those who aspire to political leadership should set an example in being far-sighted. For only far-sightedness can prevent them from losing bearings in the match forward.

Those who want to be our leaders should have largeness of mind and should be staunch, looking upon the interest of the people as their very lives and subordinating their own interests to those of the people; always and everywhere they should adhere to principle and wage a tireless struggle against all incorrect ideas and actions; they should be more concerned about the masses than about any individual, and more concerned about others than themselves. Only thus can they be considered to be worth of what one can call a leader.

Every individual aspiring to leadership must be brought to understand that the supreme test of the words and deeds of a leader is whether they conform with the highest interest of the people.

At no time and in no circumstances should they place their personal interests first; they should subordinate them to the interests of the nation and of the masses. Hence, selfishness, corruption, deceit, lies, manipulation and so on and so forth, are most contemptible, while selflessness, working with all one’s energy, whole-hearted devotion to public duty, and quiet hard work should command respect.

It is said that the estimate of the shrewd enemy is rarely based on sheer misunderstanding: you can tell a man’s mistakes by the people who praise him. We are being advised to close our eyes to the reality before us and yield to what we clearly see as wrong – we won’t. And to borrow revolutionary leader Fidel Castro’s phrase: history will absolve us.

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