
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Kunda urges transparent peer review

Kunda urges transparent peer review
By Maluba Jere
Wednesday September 10, 2008 [04:00]

JUSTICE minister George Kunda has implored members of the National Governing Council (NGC) to ensure the integrity of the peer review process by keeping it transparent, inclusive and accountable.

During the inaugural ceremony of the NGC at Pamodzi Hotel on Monday evening, Kunda said it was important for the development of the nation to be measured through the thematic areas of the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) namely democracy and good political governance, economic governance and management, corporate governance and social economic development which he said should guide the work of the NGC.

"The role of the NGC will be an important one at the national level since the NGC will be expected to provide oversight and leadership in the implementation of the APRM in consultation with government and especially through structures and committees that government has established for the purposes of implementing the APRM," he said.

Kunda urged the members to dedicate themselves to the uniqueness of the APRM, adding that they needed to observe targets and timeliness.

He said members needed to take ownership and collective responsibility of the APRM.
"Allow me therefore that I provide counsel to the chairperson and the other members. My counsel is simple and to the point. Firstly it requires that the NGC should work in close collaboration with all stakeholders including government as provided by the terms of reference," he said. "These terms should be used as personal guides by all members since they have been formulated to ensure a credible national APRM process."

Kunda also said the NGC was representative of a consultative process that was undertaken by the government and that it epitomised the essence of the APRM and urged the members to pay attention to the primary purpose of the APRM.

"This process requires to a country to foster the adoption of policies, standards and practices that lead to political stability, high economic growth, sustainable development and accelerated sub-regional and continental economic integration," Kunda said.

And NGC chairperson Akashambatwa Mbikusita Lewanika pledged the council's commitment to ensure it represented the whole nation.

Aka, who expressed gratitude for his appointment, said the council would be efficient but economical with the resources.

"By accepting to be on the national council we will be one collective body and represent Zambia above all else," said Aka. "Even before we started, we've been cautioned about the size and possibility of wastage of resources but I would like to pledge that despite what may seem to be large numbers, we shall endeavour to give value, endeavour to represent the whole nation and work as Zambians and nothing else."

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