
Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Magande assures continued economic growth

Magande assures continued economic growth
By Chiwoyu Sinyangwe
Wednesday September 03, 2008 [04:00]

FINANCE minister Ng’andu Magande yesterday said the ministry will continue with strict adherence to transparency and maintain positive economic growth as way of remembering President Mwanawasa. And the British government urged Zambia to ensure the forthcoming Presidential by-election is held at less cost to the country.

Speaking when British Minister for Africa, Asia and the United Nations, Lord Mark Malloch Brown called on him, Magande said although President Levy Mwanawasa was happy with the macroeconomic performance, poverty levels still remained a source of concern to the late President.

“Under President Mwanawasa, we set up a system and procedure in order to make our way of doing business transparent and accountable and I want to assure the Lord that we would adhere to those procedures and system in remembrance of the President,” said Magande.

“Of course, he President Mwanawasa is somebody who kept on saying that while you have done everything in the macroeconomic field, I want you minister to get money into the pockets of the poor. Our assignment here at the ministry was very clear and that assignment has to be carried out in spite of President Mwanawasa not being with us...and therefore we hope to continue on our path to positive growth in the next few years”

And Malloch Brown said the British government would help in funding the Presidential by-elections and at the same time continue with support to Zambia to encourage with policy reforms.

“We haven’t decided the amount yet but we will make a contribution and we hope the elections may cost a little less...,” said Malloch Brown.

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