
Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Masebo backs Magande

Masebo backs Magande
By Chansa Kabwela
Tuesday September 02, 2008 [04:37]

Local government and housing minister Sylvia Masebo yesterday said she will not betray President Levy Mwanawasa’s wishes on succession in order to protect her ministerial job. Commenting on first lady Maureen Mwanawasa’s statement on Sunday that some ministers were aware that President Mwanawasa preferred Magande as his successor, Masebo said Maureen’s statement was correct.

“I know that the President had also discussed this issue with a few other ministers at different occasions and in different places,” Masebo said.

“I can mention a few names. I am aware that the President talked about this issue with my colleague Sara Sayifwanda who was in the company of Bradford Machila. He also discussed this issue with Kabinga Pande, agriculture deputy minister Daniel Kalenga and energy minister Kenneth Konga.

I also know that the President discussed this issue with Magande himself. He further discussed the issue with justice minister George Kunda, among others. But I will speak for myself because I am not sure if all these ministers are ready to defend the truth since I am now told that there are ministerial jobs to be protected.

“But speaking for myself, I remember that the President personally talked to me to help Magande in a number of areas because he thought that he was a suitable person to succeed him, a man who could sustain economic development and the fight against corruption.

The President and I discussed Magande’s strengths and weaknesses. After that discussion, he assigned me to ensure that the weaknesses were reduced, and from time to time the President asked how I was doing on that assignment.”

Masebo said as a way of honouring President Mwanawasa, she has decided to support and defend his wishes on a number of things, including succession. “So those of us supporting Magande are supporting him on a matter of principle. I will follow and support the President’s wish because I accepted to do this when he was living,” Masebo said.

“We are supporting Magande because the President thought he is the one capable of carrying forward his vision. So our support for Magande does not mean that we do not like the Vice-President and all those candidates who are standing. I like and respect the Vice-President. But my conscience will not let me free to do something to the contrary, to betray the President even before he is buried, to abandon what I was working on with him for any consideration. That is not what loyalty to someone or a principle entails.”

Masebo said it would have been nice if Vice-President Rupiah Banda was in the forefront of ensuring that President Mwanawasa’s wish on succession was implemented.

“His Honour the Vice-President may not be aware of who the President preferred but he is definitely aware about who the President did not want to succeed him because they discussed this matter and a number of ministers know this fact, including the Vice-President himself,” Masebo said.

“That’s why I am thinking that as a sign of love and loyalty to the man who nominated him, the Vice-President could have led the way in ensuring that the President’s wish is implemented

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