
Friday, September 26, 2008

Miyanda to file nomination today

Miyanda to file nomination today
By Brighton Phiri
Friday September 26, 2008 [04:00]

OPPOSITION Heritage Party president Brigadier General Godfrey Miyanda yesterday announced his intention to contest the October 30 presidential election. In an interview, Brig Gen Miyanda confirmed that he would today file his nomination papers after the MMD presidential candidate Rupiah Banda at the Supreme Court.

"Yes, I can confirm that I shall file my nomination papers tomorrow (today) after the MMD presidential candidate," he said.

Brig Gen Miyanda said he was contesting the presidency because of his love for Zambia and its people. He said he wanted to serve Zambians with integrity and sincerity.

"I love my country and the people must be given a wide choice. I want to serve the people," he said.

Brig Gen Miyanda observed that there were a lot of double standards in the country's political arena where people said one thing when they meant something else.

"People say one thing when they mean another. I want to contribute to making a change in the lives of our people," said Brig Gen Miyanda.

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