
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Raul askes US to stop meddling in Bolivia and respect Andean nation's

Raul askes US to stop meddling in Bolivia and respect Andean nation's
By Larry Moonze in Havana, Cuba
Tuesday September 16, 2008 [13:16]

CUBAN President Raul Castro has asked the US to stop meddling in Bolivia and respect the Andean nation's independence and right to self-determination. Commenting on political crisis in rightwing controlled eastern provinces of Bolivia that have left as many as 28 government and opposition supporters dead, President Raul said the constitutional order and territorial integrity of Bolivia must be respected. He reaffirmed Cuba's firmest backing of the legitimate government of President Evo Morales.

"The Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Cuba follows with utmost worry the events taking place in the sister Republic of Bolivia and the political, economic and media pressures to which President Evo Morales' government has been subjected which threaten the integrity of the country," President Raul said in declaration issued on Saturday. "Cuba condemns the interference of the United States government and reiterates that the situation created in Bolivia must be resolved by the very Bolivians in strict compliance with the principles of sovereignty independence and self-determination."President Raul called for continental solidarity with Bolivia.

He said the acts of violence that Bolivia had been exposed also threatened the peace and security of South America which served the interests of the enemies of regional integration. "The Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Cuba reiterates its firmest backing of the legitimate government of colleague Evo Morales, elected and ratified by vast majority, and its solidarity with the Bolivian people," President Raul said.

He said currently Cuban Collaborators worked in the nine Bolivian provinces exclusively dedicated to propel health and education programmes. President Raul said by last Friday September 12, the Cuban Medical Brigade had offered 17 million consultations in Bolivia. He said under the education programme, 225 of the 327 municipalities in Bolivia had reached the category of free from illiteracy. President Raul said 664,000 Bolivians have been made literate and by end of this year the goal was to cover all the 327 municipalities. The read and write literacy programme in Bolivia is sponsored by Cuba andvenezuela.

"Cuba reiterates its disposition to continue cooperating in an indifferent way with full respect for the principle of not meddling in the internal affairs of Bolivia until the government and people of Bolivia so decide," said President Raul. At the peak of the tension President Morales expelled US envoy to La Paz and his ally Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez gave the American diplomat 72 hours to leave Caracas after accusing Washington to plotting to oust the Bolivian leftist government.

The US retaliated by expelling Bolivia and Venezuelan envoys from Washington and also freezing assets of three aides to President Chavez.

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