
Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sun International Zambia prioritises social responsibility

Sun International Zambia prioritises social responsibility
By Mutale Kapekele and Elizabeth Mwanza in Livingstone
Saturday September 27, 2008 [04:00]

“Sun international places the highest priority on contributing constructively to the social wellbeing of those communities in which we operate,recognizing the necessity to share with our stakeholders the opportunities and wealth which our business can create,” says David Coutts-Trotters, chief executive of Sun International.

Sun International Zambia enjoys very cordial relations with different cooperating partners - the Livingstone community, stakeholders in the tourism sector, business houses and the general public and not forgetting the highly valued staff.

Together, the partners mentioned above have endeavoured to deliver the standards that the discerning traveler and tourist expects and has come to appreciate.

The Mosi-oa-tunya (Victoria Falls) is one of the world’s most spectacular locations (a United Nations declared World Heritage Site), and Sun International is very privileged to be situated on the take grounds of this wonder of the world.

Sun International is conscious of the responsibility that lies on its shoulders to ensure that everything that take place on the premises are in true harmony with the people and the environment in order to deliver a service beyond expectation.

The partnership of Zambia and her people with Sun International’s celebrated expertise in the tourism sector has produced a resort that we are all proud of.

With respect to the community Sun International Zambia has taken a very firm stance to contribute the welfare of the local people through the company’s Corporate Social Investment (CSI) Programme.

Sun believes in Responsible Tourism. As such, the resort supports a number of social initiatives in Livingstone and the surrounding communities.

The guests have been very instrumental in propelling some of these projects forward.
Sun International Zambia believes that through the resort’s contribution to the community, it supplements Government’s effort to improve the livelihood of the people.

Orphanages with such a high prevalence of HIV/AIDS and poverty levels Livingstone is home for a lot of orphaned children and street kids. Looking after these children is a community responsibility and Sun International Zambia, as part of its corporate Social Investment (CSI) program, has partnered with other stakeholders, in providing local orphanages with educational materials, foodstuffs, clothing and other everyday needs. The company supports a number of these orphanages;

•Sinkombo Orphanage, which is run by Sons of Thunder from the United States of America, looks after babies from one month old and upwards. Sun International recognizes that all children require love and care from the community and has from 2004 been supporting the orphanage with educational materials, food, clothing and other necessities of life.

• Lubasi Orpahnage drives its name from a local term which means home. This home, for many HIV/AIDS orphaned children, admits children from four years onwards and aims to care for the children until they are adopted or taken to foster homes.

Sun International Zambia has put up two summer shelters and a computer laboratory at the home with internet facilities as a way of helping the children.

Other orphanages and homes helped by the resort include Kapatamoyo Lane Orphanage, Ebenezer Orphanage, Danny’s Home (Lushomo Trust) and The Maramba old people’s home.

Sun international Zambia also carries out numerous community projects for the youths, women and other vulnerable groups as well as health assistance for the children.
All in all, Sun International Zambia is not just about the million thrills that it promises the guests, but also social responsibility that touches the lives of the most vulnerable in society.

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