
Thursday, September 25, 2008

(TALKZIMBABWE) AFRICA: Swazi plotters in “palace bomb” die

AFRICA: Swazi plotters in “palace bomb” die
Our reporter
Wed, 24 Sep 2008 15:06:00 +0000

KING MSWATI III has been in power since 1986, the kingdom bans political parties. It was shocking news therefore, for the Swazis to learn that late on Sunday, after the result of the parliamentary polls in an election held under the new constitution, were released, two people were killed as the device they planted to bomb a bridge close to one of the royal palaces prematurely exploded on Saturday night.

A third man from neighbouring South Africa was arrested and is to be tried for treason. The dead were trying to plant the

Several union officials were detained ahead of Friday's polls as they took part in protests demanding reforms. All is not peaceful in the Kingdom of Swaziland, one of the world’s last absolute monarchies, where some blame King Mswati III who has failed to tackle an Aids epidemic and plunged that country into poverty.

Although King Mswati III is popular with many of his subjects, there are those amongst him who oppose his lavish lifestyle while most of them exist in poverty.

These are the first elections where foreign observers were allowed in, and according to Thulani Mtwethwa (BBC), two state radio announcers have become MPs and the Minister of Health lost his seat. SADC observers confirmed that the poll was “free and fair”.

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