
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

(TALKZIMBABWE) ANC made a fatal mistake by ousting Mbeki

ANC made a fatal mistake by ousting Mbeki
Supertee – Opinion
Tue, 23 Sep 2008 23:53:00 +0000

THE resignation of half the South African Cabinet implies that Zuma and his coterie of loyalists in the ANC did not have contingency plans in place and were too arrogant to consult the cabinet ministers before settling political scores. Otherwise, how else can one explain such a resignation en masse? If they had done their homework then we would not be having this mass exodus of key ministers and half the cabinet.

By implication this may suggest that Zuma and his loyalists have dictatorial tendencies which do not augur well for the future of South Africa. If they were too aloof to consult the ANC ministers, what can we expect from the government that they will form?

It appears to me that the ministers are making a very important socio-political statement to Zuma that you do not take things for granted. The actions of the ministers are in sharp contrast to Zuma's assurances that cabinet ministers would stay put after Mbeki's humiliation. Having half the cabinet resigning is hugely embarrassing to Zuma and his coterie of supporters.

I believe that this is only the beginning of a massive backlash to Zuma's actions. It is increasingly and glaringly becoming apparent that Zuma's strategy of ousting Mbeki will have serious economic ramifications especially following Manuel's resignation. This also suggests that the problem in SA is not of leadership style as the ANC would like us to believe, but of scoring cheap political scores.

My argument is premised on the fact that if indeed Mbeki's leadership was the problem then we would not have half the cabinet resigning following his ouster. Rather we would have had this massive resignation by key ministers in protest against his leadership style. That did not happen; instead we have the ministers resigning in show of solidarity with Mbeki. In that context it appears that the notion of leadership style problem as espoused by the ANC is illogical and out of tune with reality.

As a progressive African, I refuse to be deluded by the ANC's explanations that they got rid of Mbeki for the sake of unity and prosperity of SA. Their arguments are not coherent let alone convincing. As one commentator asked elsewhere, “How can you foster unity by humiliating one of your own?” South Africans deserve better than this. What I foresee is social and economic destabilization instead of the ANC espoused peace and prosperity.

Yes, indeed Mbeki humbly accepted the decision of the ANC, but the real test of this action lies not with Mbeki himself but with his supporters. Will they be as humble as Africa's great statesman (Mbeki) and accept it and let bygones be bygones? I wonder.

The timing of the ANC move is also devastating and humiliating as Mbeki had just scored probably Africa's greatest diplomatic victory in Zimbabwe and was due to address the United Nations General Assembly and share his success story with other world leaders and prove to them that his African Renaissance is for real, alive and kicking. The ANC move seems well calculated to deprive Mbeki of this lifetime opportunity as he was embarrassingly forced to cancel his visit to UN. Is this mere coincidence? I do not buy it and will never accept that it is coincidental.

I would have expected the ANC to be supportive of Mbeki and join him in celebrating his achievements in Africa for Africans and give him a massive farewell party after he served in cabinet for 14 years. But no the Zuma ANC would have none of that. Why the ANC could not wait for a mere seven months to let Mbeki complete his constitutional term as president is mind-boggling and begs for some serious answers.

The ANC risks disintegration at a very important period of SA's independence, a time when they should be addressing the plight of the ordinary citizen as opposed to the current costly political machinations and maneuvers. One hopes that the ANC will realize the folly of their actions sooner than later otherwise history will judge them harshly.

Mbeki's legacy will forever shine so brightly and will prevail over the machinations of his detractors. Long live son of the soil, Mbeki. I hope you will humbly take a cue from your mother who declared that life is too short to be brooding over your ouster. To the ANC I say this time you may have got it all wrong. This is not a way you treat one of your own even if you are bitter rivals. You have set a very bad precedence that may backfire with serious ramifications. I can only hope that history will prove me wrong and prove you right. Let’s wait for events to unfold.

As a progressive African I believe that on this one the ANC has failed to set and provide good leadership. Africa has nothing to celebrate for if I can use the ANC move as a window to look into the future. If the ANC failed to anticipate these mass resignations what then are the implications on the leadership quality of the current ANC under Zuma?

Your guess is as good as mine!!!

Africa bleeds.

Long live Mbeki, Long live SA, and long live progressive Africa.

I rest my case.

Supertee – Opinion

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