
Friday, September 12, 2008

(TALKZIMBABWE) Brown interfering in Zim politics

Brown interfering in Zim politics
Mhofu Yemukono – Opinion
Thu, 11 Sep 2008 19:42:00 +0000

DEAR EDITOR–Zimbabweans should get it into their heads that they are not treated the same way as Europeans, USA, Canada, and Australia in terms of ability to determine our own future.

On being asked to confirm whether he had endorsed a democratic candidate in the USA presidential race, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown replied that it was up to the American people to determine their future.

“I leave the decision, rightly so, to the American people,” he said. Really!

Brown’s only 'acceptable' outcome is one where more power is given to the Movement for Democratic Change and a government led by Morgan Tsvangirai, or as he popularly says: “Respect the outcome of the March 29 elections,” – inconclusive elections that required a runoff presidential election.

That scenario is not only reflective of hypocrisy, but also is a patronizing view on African politics.

When will Mr. Brown learn that, as well meaning as he may be, there is almost a desperate cry in Africa for political space to determine our own future?

Only with that political space will Africa identify with its mistakes and shortcomings and put a stop to this blame-shifting because a look across the continent gives testimony to the struggle that it is having with leadership largely helped to governance by the West.

To Mr. Brown we say: “Your involvement in Zimbabwe, under the circumstances, boils down to interference.

Mhofu Yemukono

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