Monday, September 08, 2008

(TALKZIMBABWE) Don’t be tribal when voting, ZEC

Don’t be tribal when voting, ZEC
September 8, 2008

Chipata Diocese Bishop, George Lungu, has advised Zambians not to vote along regional and tribal lines in the forthcoming presidential bye-elections slated for November.

Bishop Lungu, who is also Zambia Episcopal Conference (ZEC) Chairman, told ZANIS in an interview over the weekend that voters must be level-headed and not emotional when selecting the next president.

He said voting on tribal or regional lines will deny the country an opportunity to have a president who has a heart to serve the country.

Bishop Lungu said Zambians must vote for a patriotic leader who will show love and concern for the masses.

“We must not vote for a leader just because he is from our region or tribe. I urge all Christians and other people to be careful when voting because if we are not, then we will be in for it,” he said.

Bishop Lungu further said the clergy would not tolerate politicians who would want to use the church as a channel of gaining political mileage.

He said the church would not allow any politician to advance his political agenda through the church, which he said was not a campaigning ground.

He said the Catholic church would not take sides with any political party or candidate during the campaigns but would instead play its role of ensuring that the presidential bye-elections are free and fair through church arms such as CARITAS Zambia.

Bishop Lungu said Christians must pray to God so that the Holy Spirit could enlighten Zambians to vote for a selfless leader.

He called on politicians not to take advantage of the weak emotional state of Zambians in their campaigns but highlight real issues affecting ordinary citizens.

Bishop Lungu was in Chadiza over the weekend to commission 12 CARITAS members and 104 new Women’s Catholic league members.




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