
Tuesday, September 09, 2008

(TIMES) Central Province chiefs remember Mwanawasa

Central Province chiefs remember Mwanawasa

“FELLOW countrymen, with immense grief and sorrow, I inform the nation that our President, Dr Levy Mwanawasa SC, has passed away this morning at 10:30 hours at Percy Military Hospital,” announced Vice-President Rupiah Banda on the Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation radio and television on August 19, 2008.

To most Zambians, the news was the least expected. For the people of Central Province,this news was a sharp and deep cut into their hearts. For the death of President Mwanawasa was to them a death of a ‘child of the house.’

The Central Province is where the late president ’s father and mother were born, in Chief Chamuka’s area in Chibombo District and Chief Chipepo in Kapiri-Mposhi district respectively.

On August 28, 2008, the more than 20 Chiefs paid a courtesy call on Central Province Permanent Secretary Denny Lumbama, a few hours before they paid their last respects to President Mwanawasa in Kabwe.

Their grief over Dr Mwanawasa’s death could be read on their faces. The loss of a dear son was painful, hard to accept and agonising.

Among them were Chiefs Chamuka, Mungule, Chibale, Senior Chief Mukuni, Chieftainess Chitanda and Chief Shakumbila.

Others were Chief Muchinka, Mailo, Kabamba, senior chiefs Mboroma and Muchinda, Chief Chitina, Chikupili, Shaibila and Kanyesha, Chieftainess Serenje, Chief Liteta, Chief Mukonchi a representative from Chief Chibuluma, Chief Mulungwe and Chief Shaibila.

Mr Lumbama said: “For the province, it’s a great loss. At least, we had done it as a province to produce such a reliable and quality leader. He did his part and brought pride to the province and the nation at large.”

Mr Lumbama noted that it was unfortunate that when President Mwanawasa came into power, there was a lot of opposition, saying he did not have an easy time.

“But he did not get discouraged. The achievements he has scored speak for themselves. Sadly, people are appreciating him now when he is gone,” Mr Lumbama said.

He thanked the traditional leaders for sparing their time to pay their last respects to the late Dr Mwanawasa.

The traditional leaders described President Mwanawasa’s death as a disaster to the province and the nation at large.

“It’s a disaster to me and my people. I feel bad, I have nothing much to say. It’s a disaster,” Chief Chamuka lamented.

“We learnt with shock the death of the president. We were praying for his recovery when he was in hospital. Zambia has lost, Africa has lost. Even those who interacted with him are crying with us. We have lost indeed, he was a true son of Africa. A leader who stood for quality leadership,” Chief Shakumbila said.

He noted that the late president had rare qualities difficult to replace
“I can’t find better words to describe him. The way he handled us chiefs, will always remain with us and we do not know whether we shall find another person who will look after us the way Dr Mwanawasa did,” Chief Shakumbila added.

His sentiments were echoed by Senior Chief Mboroma of Mkushi who pointed out that in all his life he had never come across a leader who loved and respected chiefs the way Dr Mwanawasa did.

“He loved chiefs. Those aspiring to take over from him should emulate him and indeed should humble themselves. Dr Mwanawasa improved the standard of living of the people by building and rehabilitating schools, health centres, roads and many other sectors,” Senior Chief Mboroma said.

He pointed out that the Mulungushi University in the Central Province was a memorable gift which the late president had left.

Like Senior Chief Mboroma and Chief Shakumbila, Chief Shaibila said was difficult to accepting Dr Mwanawasa’s death.

“It’s a great shock. We thought he would come back to continue his good programmes. He is one leader who has brought respect to chiefs. He provided us with loans to buy vehicles and by the end of this year all chiefs were going to be driving and reaching all parts of their chiefdoms, thereby enhancing development,” Chief Shaibila said.

He said that Dr Mwanawasa had also increased chiefs’ subsides, a thing he said would be remembered by all chiefs in the country.

Chief Mulungwe said he would remember Dr Mwanawasa’s commitment to the welfare of traditional leaders.

“The death of Dr Mwanawasa has been a blow not only to us chiefs but all the people in this country. His successes were tremendous. Talk about education and health improvement, equipping hospitals with drugs and equipment,” said Chief Liteta of Chibombo District.

Chief Liteta recalls how poor the agriculture sector was before the late president got into power but small-scale farmers now had enough food to eat and sell, thereby improving their living standards.

Another memory that Chief Liteta has of the late Dr Mwanawasa was his effort to unite chiefs around the country.

“We chiefs have known each other now and our traditional ceremonies have improved tremendously. He had a generous heart, never segregated any one but loved all, even those who injured his feelings,” Chief Liteta recalled.

Chieftainess Chitanda also noted that the vehicles which the late Dr Mwanawasa provided for the chiefs were a memorable farewell gift.

“We are sad and in problems. We are mourning the death of Dr Mwanawasa. He is one leader who loved even those who hated him. And he has left us a gift of vehicles as a rememberance,” the chief said.

Chief Kabamba too could not be left out in lamenting Dr Mwanawasa’s death, saying a great man who devoted his life to the betterment of all Zambians was gone.

“If he lived to finish his second term, Zambia would definitely have been a better nation, looking at how he found it and how he had worked hard to put it on the economic track,” Chief Kabamba said.

The traditional leader pointed out that it was uncertain and unlikely that the country would never have a leader like the late President Mwanawasa.

“Politicians should sit down and think twice before they offer themselves to take up the role which Dr Mwanawasa has left. They should emulate him, sacrificing for the people of Zambia and not just enriching themselves,” he said.

Chieftainess Mungule said the death of President Mwanawasa was painful and distressful.

Her counterpart, Chieftainess Serenje noted that Dr Mwanawasa was a good leader who gave encouragement and support to female traditional leaders.

House of Chiefs representative, Chief Chibale described the late President Mwanawasa as a hardworking, focused and humble leader.

Chief Chibale said: “I remember him when he used to tell people to rally with him and not to be behind him. As a province, we shall see how we can honour him. He brought a lot of projects in the province.”

And Chief Chitambo said the only way to honour the late Dr Mwanawasa was for people to follow what he believed in and fought for.

“He was development oriented. He had a vision for Zambia. It’s hard to accept he is gone. For the province, this is a big blow,” Chief Chitambo said.—ZANIS

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