
Thursday, September 11, 2008

(TIMES) Levy has left well-defined legacy

Levy has left well-defined legacy

I AM filled with spiritual enthusiasm as I put these words together. The words of a “once upon a time” leader and father of the nation, His Excellency President of the Republic of Zambia, Levy Patrick Mwanawasa, SC.

Well-defined is the legacy that this leader has left behind. A legacy one can surely be compelled to admire and emulate. A legacy full of personal potential, personal achievement and world recognition. A legacy spread across in different sectors of life.

I went into analysing this selfless man’s life, and my findings are that this man was a prophetic symbol.

Those with spiritual understanding shall certainly agree with me that only prophetic symbols are biblical celebrities. I liken Mwanawasa to prophetic symbols like John the Baptist whose reason for life was to prepare a way for the Anointed one, Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

I also liken him to Christ himself whose birth on earth was to reconcile man to God. Jeremiah too was another symbol whose purpose was to rebuild the nation of Israel. Jeremiah’s message to the Israelites in Chapter 6 vs 9, reads in part” Thus saith the LORD of Hosts, they shall thoroughly glean the remnant of Israel as a vine but turn thy hand as a grape gatherer into the branches’’.

All these outlined symbols, with a synonymous characteristic of unpopularity amongst their own people, were raised to put things right through warnings and actions. Somewhat fulfilling the scriptures that a prophet has no honour in his own country!

President Mwanawasa began his journey 60 years ago in Mufulira, Copperbelt Province in Zambia under the capable hand of God.

He was seen through thick and thin by God because he had a purpose to accomplish for the nation. Whenever the devil raised a flood against Levy, God raised a standard against the devil. Mwanawasa had God’s hand of Grace upon him to pull through all temptations and trials.

In 2001, Mwanasawa was ordained by prophet Frederick Jacob Chiluba who had God’s revelation at the time, and the spirit of the Lord was upon him to go and LAUNCH INTO THE DEEP!

I do not need to shed more light on this matter to make readers believe without doubt that President Chiluba had prophetic anointing during this unique ordination.

I mean, it was physically unexpected for FTJ, as Chiluba is fondly referred to, to jump his camp and search for one man whose focus at the time was on practising law and farming.

Chiluba had earlier-on made a Deep, Wide and Fore-bearing statement; a prophetic utterance “ZAMBIA IS A CHRISTIAN NATION”. What more does a prophet do than declaring that which is bestowed upon his spirit by God?

A prophet is God’s mouth-piece, pronouncing His messages to the nations. One that carries a burden until it is released. Through a prophet, God’s word is established. It is never missed as some selfish Christians are maliciously stating. God’s word through a prophet is ever established.

The sense here is that the prophetic utterance, which Prophet Chiluba pronounced shall be established. This is the reason why Mwanawasa was brought on the scene as a symbol. His service is now over, his spirit now rests where it was destined to be.

He has left a good report, accomplishing that which was God’s purpose for his life. He added a brick to building this nation as one poet, Father Evarist Mwaba Ngalande states in his book I cannot see and I quote “Let us all be joined in one blood of co-operation and building a better tomorrow, constructing a home worth living in and dying for”.

Levy added a good brick to building mother Zambia. He added to what others had already started, people worth mentioning and these are no other than the great fathers Kenneth Kaunda and Fredrick Titus Jacob Chiluba.

These added their well-chosen bricks to the building of mother Zambia and surely their profiles would be much longer.

So, the next leader builds from where Levy has left. We all have the potential and will-power to rally behind Zambia and add a brick in our own individual ways.

Mwanawasa did it and he died while pursuing a noble cause. What a hero he was! Highly-criticised, but surely noticed. The thought which started as Nathanel’s in John 1 Vs 46 “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” Alas, a rejected stone has now become a corner stone. Blessed indeed be the womb that carried this mighty man!

Diverting my thoughts now to life continuity. As I prophetically stated in my publication in the Times of Zambia of July 17, 2008 entitled “PRAYER FOR THE PRESIDENT”, I continue revealing the mysteries of God that Levy’s successor is under God’s Hand of Grace.

There is a great shift in the things of God and only spiritual eyes would see. So the next leader is one to perform God’s miracle for Zambia. Not an ordinary person, but fully filled with God’s wisdom.

Readers may at this moment be inquisitive to learn the conclusion of this matter – with the question “To what Spiritual Shift then was this symbol appointed?”.

With all spiritual illumination, this symbol was appointed to root out, and to pull down, to destroy and to throw down, to build and to plant a new face of God in our nation, Zambia.

Zambia is a chosen nation; like Bethlehem Ephratah, little among thousands of countries, and yet highly favoured by God.

The Ark of the Lord is upon this country. God is speedily unfolding His final plan in this country where His sons and daughters shall lift His name in reverance.

We shall witness great works of the Lord if we discern His word and keep watching. The cloud of favour has descended on us.

I call upon the spiritual city fathers to listen to God and steadily give guidance in this matter, comprehending what God is doing in this End Time and in this country Zambia.

Men and women of God, we should all strive to be content also with what God has deposited in us, lest we fall to the devil’s prey.

Some are ordained kings (rulers), some priests to serve in the Holy Tabernacles, some also prophets to pronounce God’s mysteries as bestowed upon them by Himself. All this is made known to mankind through scripture, the Holy Word of Life.
It is time to be content with our anointing and serve God faithfully.

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