
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

UNZASU suspends president over political bribes

UNZASU suspends president over political bribes
By Masuzyo Chakwe
Tuesday September 30, 2008 [04:00]

THE University of Zambia Students Union (UNZASU) has suspended its president Solomon Ng'ambi for allegedly involving himself with and receiving money from a political party.

But Ng'ambi said the accusations levelled against him were totally extravagant and malicious.

In a letter dated September 28, 2008 and copied to the Dean of Students and Council of Hall Representatives, UNZASU vice-president Duncan Nyirongo stated that Ng'ambi's conduct in the recent past had indicated that he had been actively involved with a certain political party and hence became politically active contrary to the UNZASU constitution.

He stated that other charges were mismanagement of UNZASU funds, unlawfully obtaining UNZASU funds and holding on to it, obtaining money from a political party on behalf of UNZASU by false pretences, misrepresentation of UNZASU, bribery of UNZASU officials and disclosure of information pertaining to the operations of the union to non-UNZASU members.

Nyirongo stated that the suspension followed the deliberations of the UNZASU executive constitutional meeting held on September 28, 2008 in the UNZASU office.
Nyirongo stated that this was to facilitate thorough investigation in a number of issues raised against him.

"This serves to inform you that you have been suspended from the UNZASU executive with immediate effect. You are advised to exculpate yourself before the executive within seven (7) days from the time of receipt of this communication.

During this period of your suspension, you are not supposed to carry out any function that pertains to the office of the UNZASU president. Neither are you expected to conduct any other UNZASU executive duties. You are expected to hand over all UNZASU property and documents to the UNZASU secretariat within 48 hours," Nyirongo stated.
But Ng'ambi said the claims against him could not be substantiated because the union had not produced any evidence.

He said the union did not follow the right procedure as he was not present when the decision was arrived at and thus could not exculpate himself.

"I will be patient and co-operate because I know the decision is unfounded and I did not receive any money and I did not campaign for any party. There are certain political parties who wished that I could be on their side and they feel disappointed because I have remained neutral so they ganged up with the union so they can put someone who they can work with," he said.
Ng'ambi said having full knowledge that he was innocent, he would be patient and allow them to investigate the matter.

He also said he had decided to take legal action on some of the individuals that claimed to have seen him collect money for the defamatory statements and damage caused.
In response, Nyirongo said UNZASU was non-partisan and Ng'ambi’s claims were unfounded.

He said the union reached that decision because they felt he had betrayed the union.
Nyirongo said UNZASU would never support any political party and what Ng'ambi had done had put the union in a mess.

He advised Ng'ambi to stop politicking and prepare his defence.
Nyirongo said Ng'ambi had the right to appeal to the UNZASU judiciary if he felt the stance taken by the executive was not in accordance with the law or if he did not agree with the charges levelled against him.

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