
Monday, September 01, 2008

ZDA records US$4.1bn worth of investments

ZDA records US$4.1bn worth of investments
By Chiwoyu Sinyangwe in Solwezi
Monday September 01, 2008 [04:00]

ZAMBIA Development Agency (ZDA) recorded US$4.1 billion worth of investments during the first six months of this year, director for Exports Promotion Glyne Michelo announced last week. And North Western Province Chamber of Commerce chairman Mukanzu Mwepu observed that local entrepreneurs have failed to benefit from the economic boom because they were not prepared for the economic resurgence of the province.

Addressing the Solwezi business community last week during the Zambia Development Agency (ZDA) organised workshop themed "Investment and Trade Fundamental to Economic Empowerment", Michelo said 93 projects valued at US $4.1 billion were expected to create about 15,000 jobs.

"The creation of ZDA has already impacted positively on investments and trade levels of the economy. You may wish to know that during the first half of 2008, ZDA recorded a total of 93 projects translating into over US$4.1 billion worth of investments," Michelo said.

"We project this positive trend will continue to dilute the country's dependence on traditional copper exports for foreign exchange."

Michelo also implored the business community in North Western Province to continually seek information on how to improve their business management skills.

He also stressed that ZDA would continue to provide information aimed at improving business skills for local entrepreneurs.

Michelo said lack of information had led to the collapse of most enterprises in the country.

"This workshop is aimed at disseminating to North Western Provinces business community vital information on sources of how to access technical and financial assistance which is required to enhance competitiveness and increase value addition in their business," said Michelo.

"I must stress that lack of information is the recipe for most business failures. Hence, I wish to encourage you to take advantage of this workshop by participating actively."

And Mwepu implored the business community in the area to actualise what they had discussed from the workshop.

"Even the tomato we are eating is coming from Mkushi. We are unable to feed ourselves. I think we were taken by surprise by this economic boom here in North Western Province," said Mwepu.

The one-day workshop which was organised under the auspices of the European Union Development Fund, EDF 9 attracted participation from business associations in all districts except Chavuma

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