
Friday, October 10, 2008

Banda has confirmed his dented image - Kahenya

Banda has confirmed his dented image - Kahenya
By Maluba Jere and Agness Changala
Friday October 10, 2008 [04:00]

The hiring of image-builders for Vice-President Rupiah Banda is confirmation of his tattered and dented public image which he desperately wants to repair, UPND secretary general Tiens Kahenya has charged.

And a source close to Vice-President Banda's family has justified the hiring of foreign consultants saying this was meant to complement efforts by a local journalist.

Meanwhile, the UPND has written to the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) complaining about alleged electoral malpractice by the ruling MMD. Kahenya urged the MMD not to use public money to finance the hiring of foreign consultants to help them build Vice-President Banda's image. He wondered where the money to pay these image-builders whom he referred to as 'spine doctors', would come from.

“With this careless and extravagance exhibited by the Rupiah Banda camp, I am hoping and praying that the state coffers will not be depleted by the end of his campaign,” Kahenya said.

The MMD has hired five image-building consultants from the United States and United Kingdom to help improve Vice-President Rupiah Banda's political image to the public.

And a source close to Vice-President Banda justified this move saying it was necessary under the circumstances.

“Some of the Vice-President's children have been working with a local journalist to help in a number of areas, including image-building,” the source said. “This local journalist has for some time now been working closely with the image-builders from the UK. At least this is an open secret in the MMD and I am sure you know this 'freelance' journalist.”

And Kahenya said UPND was not afraid of what he termed as 'dummy' and 'sponsored' crowds being drawn by other presidential candidates. He said UPND could not be bought as it was founded and anchored on integrity and principles.

“Our party is therefore not available for hire or abuse especially by corrupt parties and their recycled and outdated presidential candidates with a myriad of past scandals which can be traced from their past assignments, which will continue to haunt them,” Kahenya said.

He said Vice-President Banda's kind of thinking was reminiscent of the UNIP's one-party participatory democracy which was now outdated.

“Does Rupiah Banda surely believe that UPND and Hakainde Hichilema, in their right frame of mind should have endorsed him?” asked Kahenya. “UPND was founded and is anchored on democracy. Banda should not bundle or mistake UPND with other small parties that desperately endorsed his candidature without carefully analysing the Zambian political scenario.”

And in a letter dated September 6, 2008 addressed to ECZ director Dan Kalale and copied to Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) director general, Inspector General of Police and made available to The Post, Kahenya stated that complaints of electoral malpractice had continued to flow in from many parts of the country, mostly pointing to MMD.

“For example, in Isoka West, on Friday October 3, instant, 10 MMD officials were found buying voters' cards and this matter was reported to police,” Kahenya stated.

He also referred to The Post's October 3, 2008 front-page picture which showed a police vehicle registration number ZP 3855 ferrying MMD supporters to welcome Vice-President Banda at Mongu airport.

“We also received information that in Choma, a white twin cab vehicle registration number 195 BV, mounted with public address system, was going round the district the whole day yesterday Sunday October 5, 2008 announcing rallies for MMD presidential candidate, Banda,” Kahenya stated.

He expressed worry that if the trend was not immediately stopped, it would escalate into anarchy. Kahenya, however, stated that UPND was very much aware of the Vice-President's entitlements regarding the use of public facilities and resources during campaigns.

“In our view, using government and police service vehicles was not within his privileges and hence it is our considered opinion that our candidate is being disadvantaged and you will appreciate, it is not easy during campaign time to control our cadres especially when they are provoked,” stated Kahenya.

He appealed to ECZ to take prompt intervention before cadres took the law into their own hands.

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