Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Govt approves uranium policy

Govt approves uranium policy
By Kabanda Chulu
Tuesday October 07, 2008 [04:00]

THE government has approved the uranium policy that will regulate the production and mining of the mineral in Zambia. Following the recent discovery of uranium by several mining companies in the country, concerns were raised that Zambia lacks the capacity to control uranium mining in terms of storage, safety, security and transportation and if not handled properly, the development could have a negative impact instead of bringing economic benefits.

But in an interview yesterday, mines minister Dr Kalombo Mwansa said the government devised the guidelines to regulate the mining of uranium in the country and involved the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for scrutiny and guidance.

He said the government was mindful of the concerns raised, hence its decision to involve the United Nations atomic agency to attain international standards.

“Guidelines for uranium mining have now become law and if companies and developers successfully comply with all requirements, licences will be issued to them to commence production and mining as soon as possible,” said Dr Mwansa.

“As government, we are concerned about safety and security especially to end users and we developed guidelines to ensure full compliance of UN regulations and these guidelines were sent to the IAEA for scrutiny and guidance.”

Canadian-based mining giant Equinox Minerals has discovered uranium deposits at its Lumwana copper project in North Western Province and has since embarked on a Bankable Feasibility Study (BFS) to pave way for the mining of uranium.

And Omega Corp Limited has also intensified its exploration operations in Siavonga with its Kariba uranium project, reaching advanced stages while Albidon Zambia has partnered with Africa Energy Resources to explore the presence of uranium mineralisation at its Njame east project in Chirundu.

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