
Thursday, October 30, 2008

Govt to re-advertise bids for Kabompo power project

Govt to re-advertise bids for Kabompo power project
Written by Kabanda Chulu

THE government says it will re-advertise the submission of bids for the development of the US $50 million Kabompo Hydro Power project due to failure by most bidders to meet project requirements.

According to the Zambia National Tender Board (ZNTB), bidders for the development of the 50 mega watts Kabompo Gorge hydro power project could not meet certain objectives needed to develop the power station.

“We have granted authority to the Ministry of Energy to re-advertise the expression of interest because most of the submitted bids failed to meet what is required to develop the hydro power station that is expected to cost about US $ 50 million,” it stated.

It stated that after closure of the submissions, the bids would be evaluated and the preferred bidder would be selected and invited to present their proposal and thereafter be given an opportunity to develop the project which is located in North-Western Province.

And the Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA) is offering investors and other stakeholders to develop tourism concession blocks in seven national parks around the country.

The tourism concession blocks would cover a minimum of 10,000 hectares up to a maximum of 20,000 hectares.

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