
Monday, October 06, 2008

(GREATZIMBABWENEWS) MDC official arrested for cattle rustling

MDC official arrested for cattle rustling
22 August, 2008 10:09:00 Blessed Chindoni

The MDC is a heartless party which thrives on the suffering of the people. It has called for sanctions against the people and now its leaders like Matcheza are exacerbating the villagers’ suffering by stealing their cattle, which is their only source of The Movement for Democratic Change Ward 2 chairman for Mberengwa South Constituency, Trymore Matcheza was arrested Wednesday together with three suspected cattle rustlers as police in the Midlands cracked what they believe to be a highly organised crime syndicate.

The arrests were made after a security guard who was patrolling Sovelele farm near Mataga Growth Point chased three cattle rustlers who were slaughtering a beast at the farm.

Subsequent police investigations led to the arrest of Clever Moyo (19), Patrick Choto (19) and Moffat Zhou (21) and ultimately Matcheza who has since been identified as the kingpin of the cattle rustling syndicate.

Police investigations revealed that the three youths were employed by Matcheza to steal livestock for his butcheries dotted all over Mberengwa, Zvishavane and Chivi.

Matcheza’s hypocrisy was exposed by these arrests. While addressing an MDC rally at Mataga Growth Point during the run-up to the March 29, 2008 harmonised elections, Matcheza had the audacity to tell lies to the world that the ruling Zanu PF party was responsible for stealing cattle from villagers purportedly to feed its supporters stationed at various “terror bases” in the constituency.

“We have all the information that Zanu PF is broke and does not have the resources to feed it terror gangs which are located at various torture camps to terrorise villagers during this election. Therefore the thugs’ leaders are involved in stock theft to feed the hungry terror groups”, said Matcheza in his shameless lies.

Police at Mataga Growth Point confirmed to that they have arrested Matcheza and his three member cattle rustling syndicate.

“I can confirm that we have arrested Matcheza, a prominent business man in Mberengwa South constituency for cattle rustling. Mr Matcheza owns several butcheries which are located in Mberengwa, Chivi and Zvishavane," a police spokesperson said.

A number of villagers in Mberengwa South reportedly lost their cattle to rustlers and condemned Mr Matcheza and his syndicate for robbing villagers of their only source of wealth. Tichaona Jokonya (78), who lost three cattle to rustlers last year lamented that: “Matcheza is an evil man. He is robbing the community of its dependable source of livelihood. I am sure justice will prevail”.

Tafadzwa Chinyoka who also lost a bull in January this year castigated the MDC party’s leadership for thriving on the suffering of the people.

“Matcheza’s arrest has exposed the MDC party’s hypocrisy," said Chinyoka.

"During the run-up to the March 29 harmonised elections, Matcheza gained political mileage by unfairly accusing the ruling Zanu PF party for stock theft whilst he knows that he is the culprit. The MDC is a heartless party which thrives on the suffering of the people. It has called for sanctions against the people and now its leaders like Matcheza are exacerbating the villagers’ suffering by stealing their cattle, which is their only source of livelihood," charged Chinyoka.

Chinyoka complained that “sleeping" in the cattle kraal every night guarding the family's cattle has become part and parcel of life since the beginning of this year.

Nights have become unbearable in this part of Mberengwa South Constituency as villagers forego sleep to guard dwindling livestock that is the target of marauding cattle rustlers.

Many villagers in Mberengwa South constituency now build their cattle kraals just a few meters from their homesteads and have to endure the stench from the cattle pens just to be sure that they can hear any commotion among the livestock.

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