
Monday, October 20, 2008

Kambwili, MMD cadres clash over posters

Kambwili, MMD cadres clash over posters
By Zumani Katasefa
Monday October 20, 2008 [04:00]

MMD cadres on Saturday night beat up Roan member of parliament Chishimba Kambwili after they found him putting up PF campaign posters on the Luanshya-Ndola road. In separate interviews yesterday, MMD Copperbelt provincial chairman Joseph Chilambwe and Kambwili confirmed the incident. However, Chilambwe said it was Kambwili who accosted the MMD cadres who were led by Luanshya district youth secretary Kaunda Lubilo.

“It is him (Kambwili) who beat people. He injured one of our cadres Chisanga,” claimed Chilambwe.
But Kambwili explained that he was attacked around 21:00 hours by seven MMD cadres who he also alleged were armed with machetes and axes.

He said PF cadres were alerted that MMD cadres were removing PF posters and he asked them why they were doing so.

“Yes, I was attacked by the MMD cadres, they were about seven of them. I identified one cadre, Kaunda Lubilo,” he said.
However, Kambwili said he managed to defend himself and beat up one cadre.

Kambwili alleged that the MMD cadres tore PF posters and that he had since reported the matter to the police.

Kambwili further alleged that the same MMD cadres who attacked him also set ablaze his constituency office recently.

But Lubilo said it was Kambwili who started the fight.

He explained that Kambwili, who was accompanied by other cadres found them putting up MMD campaign posters when he stopped his vehicle and questioned what they were doing.

“He shouted and insulted us and asked us why we were removing and tearing the PF posters. It is from that point that he started kicking Chisanga Kalesha, our youth constituency information publicity secretary,” he said.

Lubilo narrated that Kambwili punched Kalesha on the mouth and he bled profusely.

He said Kambwili’s behaviour made the youths react aggressively and disputed claims that the cadres were armed with axes and machetes.

“Why should we be moving with pangas and axes when we just went to put up posters?” he asked.

Lubilo also warned that MMD youths in the district would not tolerate any nonsense by the PF.

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