
Saturday, October 04, 2008


Mulongoti's threats on The Post
By Hamusonde Vinwell
Saturday October 04, 2008 [04:00]

The statement by Mulongoti that he will close The Post does not augur well. It is a shame that he can stoop so low and fight The Post who are doing a good and objective job of exposing malpractices.

lt is clear that he (Mulongoti) doesn’t know that he will lose his job as the opposition are doing very well in their campaigns.

The Post must not be intimidated by a man who has no political future as he is just a nominated MP.
We need peace now more than anytime before in the history of Zambian politics.

The police must ensure peace, quietness, stability and order. How does the police explain a situation where the MMD cadres taunted guns at people at Pamodzi Hotel on Thursday?

Arrest the culprits irrespective of party affiliations now.
As to The Post, I say keep up the good work and do not be threatened by the last kicks of a dying horse.

Teta is annoying
By Justice
Saturday October 04, 2008 [04:00]

Teta’s comment that Chiluba is not a plunderer is disheartening.
His statement is undermining the amount of deprivation that the Zambian people have suffered due to the theft by the MMD government under the leadership of Chiluba.

Teta is taking the Zambian people for granted by passing such comments which are so annoying.

The plunder of national resources during Chiluba's time is all before the face of the nation and where does Teta get the audacity to pass such a statement?

Do we expect the similar defence of thieves in case his glorified candidate RB becomes president? What we are looking for as Zambians is a set of leaders who will call a spade a spade and stand up to defend the destiny of this nation.

The least the Zambian people expect is the recurrence of the plunder of national resources which has contributed to poverty in the country and a perpetual defence of plunders.

Let us unite and reject the wrong seed or weeds like Teta and his team out of leadership to save the nation from another set of greedy people.

Poor education policies
By Concerned citizen
Saturday October 04, 2008 [04:00]

Mulongoti should not insult people who have never been able to proceed with education because of poor government policies.

Quoting yesterday’s Post in a story headlined ‘Rupiah vows to neutralise Sata’ Mulongoti is quoted as saying "From what I know Sata went to school up to standard four.

Imagine in this era where people use computers, is it really good as a country to vote for a grade four as Republican president?" asked Mulongoti.

It is not by our will that we don’t further our education. The governments have favoured the rich so much at the expense of the poor.

Build schools and give us policies that will give the best education to our children so that they can run as presidents. In fact, you are still studying and if I may ask, where were you (Mulongoti) when your agemates did their education?

What Mulongoti should know is that he was talking and soliciting votes from the same people who have never even been to school.
Build schools and universities if you need leaders with sound education.

The future is now and let's face it. Without good policies, Zambia will continue being ruled by the same old people who lack wisdom and respect for each other.

MMD stinks corruption
By Red Hammer
Saturday October 04, 2008 [04:00]

The MMD government under RB is an embarrassment for the country. This government has so far demonstrated that they cannot continue late President Levy Mwanawasa’s vision.

Actually they have never understood that vision because when Levy was seriously sick, they decided to increase their salaries.

When Levy died, they ignored his wish. The reason is simple; they did not want someone of high integrity who will block them from looting the country.

Magande was a danger for them and to allow him as a presidential candidate was not in their selfish interest. To them, the best candidate was supposed to be a corrupt person, and Rupiah Banda was the best for them in this case; but the worst for Zambia's interest.

One needs not to be intelligent to see the characters surrounding RB. I think people should vote wisely this time around. We should not allow politicians to take us for granted. It will be sad to vote for MMD just because they have distributed sugar and mealie-meal.

The distribution of sugar was a mockery! Have we committed sins because we are poor? Why should they come with sugar only when there is an election? Fellow countrymen and women, when we suffer every day in our houses they do not come with sugar to see us.

Hospitals have no drugs, teachers in rural areas sleep in huts. They give us K200,000 as housing allowances when they know well that a decent house can only cost more than K750,000.

Because we are hungry, we will not refuse sugar, mealie-meal, T-shirts and chitenge materials, but we should not vote for them. They have insulted us enough. They have insulted our intelligence! Brothers, and sisters, vote them out of power. They are corrupt; they stink with corruption.

1 comment:

  1. The MMD leadership should be ashamed of itself for even trying to shut down freedom of speech,the Post newspaper is one of the few independent newspapers in Zambia that delivers news free of government or political interference to people in Zambia and to some of us Zambians in far places like Canada.
    Corruption is rampant in Zambia as usual,but we must fight to end this and the Post Newspaper has been a leader in the fight against corruption and human rights abuse.
    Keep up the good work brothers and sisters and vote wisely in 2011.
    We should make sure the Electoral Commission of Zambia(ECZ)is not involved with any vote rigging this time around.
    Change must come in 2011,so that corrupt leaders in government can be held accountable.
    I encourage all my friends and family in Zambia to go in large numbers to the election polls and make history and bring in a government that our late fore father Dr.Levy Mwanawasa would be proud of!
