
Friday, October 31, 2008

(LUSAKATIMES) Apathy characterized presidential vote

Apathy characterized presidential vote
October 30, 2008

Apathy has characterized Thursday’s presidential election to choose Zambia’s fourth Republican President. Polling stations in most parts of the country, which recorded a fairly good early turnout, were empty by midday, casting doubts that most of the 3.9 million registered voters would cast their ballots.

A survey by ZNBC in Lusaka and other parts of the country revealed that most polling stations have recorded low turnout. ZNBC staff covering the election in different parts of the country report that less than 50 percent of the registered voters turned up to cast their ballots.

The voting has also been characterized by some other shortcomings.

Some registered voters who lost their cards and had applied for replacements could not cast their ballots because electoral officials failed to trace the cards.

This problem was evident at polling stations in various parts of the country, prompting calls from a number of political stakeholders for urgent measures to address the matter.

The Independent Churches of Zambia and other Non governmental organizations appealed to the Electoral Commission of Zambia to ensure that persons who have not yet voted are given chance to cast their ballots.

Polling stations were expected to close at 18.00 hours, but time was extended in some areas, such as Kitwe, to allow voters whose cards were traced late to cast their ballots.

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