Monday, October 20, 2008

(LUSAKATIMES) Zambia has been managed poorly - HH

Zambia has been managed poorly - HH
October 20, 2008

UNITED Party for National Development (UPND) president Hakainde Hichilema has appealed to the people of Zambia to give him a mandate to rule them on 30th October so that he brings economic and social change, fights poverty and brings jobs to the youths.

He said this in Kabwe yesterday when he was addressing scores of people at a rally that was held at the Lukanga grounds. Mr. Hichilema charged that Zambia needed a strong, healthy young man who understood economics.

“A lot of youths who are graduates are roaming the streets because there are no jobs for them, I want to ask you the people to give me a chance so that I bring about jobs for the youths,” he said.

The UPND president said he would bring about jobs because he was an employer and he new just how to bring economic change to the country of Zambia.

The opposition leader further said electricity would be given to the town through the Lunsemfwa Hydro Power Company .

He added that Zambia China Mulungushi Textiles which has since been closed would be revived because it not only created for employment for the people of Kabwe but also contributed to the economy of Zambia.

On health, he said that the best medical services would be brought to the town of Kabwe and Zambia as a whole as opposed to now were only rich people and politicians had access to best medical services.

And Siavonga Member of Parliament (MP) Douglas Syakalima urged the people of Zambia not to over burden old men by putting them in the office of presidency.

He said the office of the president was a very sensitive office that needed strong and energetic people .

Speaking at the same rally, Moomba MP Fidelis Mooya said that UPND was interested in punitive measures to fight corruption and not preventive measures that the Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) was talking about.

He said that Zambia did not need people who had stolen and added to the suffering of the people but rather needed change.

And Mazabuka MP Garry Nkombo appealed to the Zambian people not to vote for a presidential candidate that was unpredictable by changing their minds on particular issues.

He said that Zambia was a poor country because it has been managed poorly and hence needed change to bring about riches in the country.

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