
Monday, October 20, 2008

Miyanda asks Ndola residents to vote for him

Miyanda asks Ndola residents to vote for him
By Abigail Chaponda in Ndola
Monday October 20, 2008 [04:00]

HERITAGE Party leader Brigadier General Godfrey Miyanda on Saturday asked Ndola residents to vote for him. Addressing a rally in Ndola’s Masala Township, Brig Gen Miyanda said if voted into power, he would reduce the high levels of poverty in the country.

He said people who were living in abject poverty were found in rural areas and that he would reduce the levels of suffering using rural programmes that his party had come up with.

He said the reason he visited Ndola and Masala in particular was to ask for the Ndola residents to support him in the forthcoming elections.

“I am here to beg you to vote for me. I have no money to put in your pockets and I’m not going to lie that I’m going to put money in your pockets. But if you refuse, it is okay because I cannot force you. I love Zambia so much and I understand a lot of issues pertaining to government. Please vote for me and you will see how I will change the country,” he said.

Brig Gen Miyanda said the election had come about because God wanted it to happen that way.
He also said he had been quiet about certain issues for a long time.

“I have been quiet about this issue I’m going to give you facts today. The late president recognised me as a leader because of what we did in 2006. On this issue that I will talk about if I lie, one can stand in public and say Miyanda has lied,” he said.

“In 2006 before the elections, I received a message that I should go to a certain place. I did not know who I was going to meet but then I knew the person who came to pick me. I obeyed. When I entered the room, the person I met was Rupiah Banda.

“I was really surprised to find him there and he explained to me that he had a message from the president and the message was very simple.

Mr Banda said he had been sent by the president and he told me that ‘president Mwanawasa has identified you as a colleague he can work with, he can trust and leave the presidency in your hands but he wants you to accept to be his vice-president and you will take over in 2011’.”

Brig Gen Miyanda said Vice-President Banda also told him that president Mwanawasa indicated that he Miyanda could help him in the 2006 campaigns and not stand as a candidate.

“And he Banda asked me an important question; ‘do you agree or you don’t agree?’ My answer was very simple. Remember, I did not know that Mr Banda was going to be there, I still thought he was a UNIP member. I didn’t know if he had joined MMD,” Brig Gen Miyanda said.

“So I made a simple request and said ‘I have no problem with the appointment of being a vice-president. But the issue now is to meet the president so I can believe what you people are telling me and to ask some questions.’ And I told Banda that after hearing from him the president, then I can say that ‘this is very good and am ready to do this.

“... So it was important to meet the president and I said to Mr Banda ‘look at what happened to my brother Nevers Mumba; he did the same thing. So I want to find out who came up with that idea, I have no problem joining MMD but if only the conditions are right.’ Mr Banda said I was right and he was going to make an appointment with the president and said after he makes an appointment, the president and I can lock ourselves in the room while we sign the agreement.

“Up to this day as I’m speaking to you, I have never got that response except this time that people were saying that I refused to work with the late president. It is not true.”

Brig Gen Miyanda pledged to continue where president Mwanawasa left.

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