
Monday, October 20, 2008

Mongu welcomes Sata

Mongu welcomes Sata
By Patson Chilemba in Mongu
Monday October 20, 2008 [04:00]

PATRIOTIC Front (PF) president Michael Sata yesterday received a rousing welcome in Mongu upon arrival on a campaign trail of Western Province. The PF leader, who touched down at Mongu Airport at 08:00 hours aboard a chartered aircraft, was received by several party cadres who chanted; "mwa mukolo, mwa mukolo on the boat, on the boat."

Sata was later escorted from the airport by several Mongu vehicles, which honked as the PF leader made his way to Capital View Guesthouse where he is lodging.

Lusaka businessman Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba, popularly known as GBM, said he was puzzled and had no words to describe the welcome Mongu residents had given to Sata.

"I don't have words for this. I didn't expect this but it just shows that the revolution of 1991 is back again," GBM said, amid shouts of "mwa mukolo, mwa mukolo" and "pabwato, pabwato" from several residents.

Some cadres raised MMD symbols along the streets but they were outnumbered by those who raised PF symbols.

The residents had lined up the streets from the airport to the guesthouse to catch a glimpse and show their solidarity for Sata.

As the PF leader made his way from the guesthouse to the Catholic Church in Mongu central to attend mass, the mood remained lively.

More PF supporters were found waiting for Sata at the entrance to the church and waited outside until the end of mass.
Sata's presence in the town has been characterised by continous honking by motorists, most of whom have Sata's campaign posters on their vehicles.

Several motorists interviewed said the continuous honking signified their support and approval for Sata to take over the leadership of the country.

Apart from holding campaign rallies in Western Province, Sata is expected to pay a courtesy call on the Litunga.

Later in an interview, Western Province PF chairman Kenneth Namutulo said the voting pattern in the area would this time around be in favour of PF.

Namutulo said MMD had de-campaigned itself in the area by adopting Vice-President Rupiah Banda because he had no vision and his character was dented with corruption. He said MMD had further de-campaigned itself because most party members of parliament from the province never visited their constituencies.

Meanwhile, Sata during a huge rally in Kabwe on Saturday said it was a fallacy for MMD to think that they would make it difficult for him to rule.

He said the mere fact that MMD had more members of parliament did not mean that he could not govern the country.

Sata further dispelled assertions that he would scrap the provision of anti-retroviral (ARVs) drugs if elected.

He said people with from HIV/AIDS should be cared for because it was not their wish to get the virus.

"I'm the one who brought ARVs when I was minister, why should I remove them when I take over as president?" Sata asked amid applause.

Sata said PF, once elected into government, would re-open Mulungushi Textiles and Kafue Mine.
He said more investors would invest into the economy when taxes were reduced.

Sata said he did not hate investors and would not chase them. However, he said investors should respect Zambian workers by offering decent conditions of service.

Earlier in Chisamba, Sata questioned the decision by Vice-President Banda to reduce the price of fertiliser from K200,000 to K50,000.

"Rupiah Banda was in Cabinet with Levy Mwanawasa. Today, he says it's fertiliser K50,000. Those who bought fertiliser at K250,000, he must give them back K200,000," said Sata.

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