
Sunday, October 12, 2008

Mugabe gazzettes ministries allocation

Mugabe gazzettes ministries allocation
By George Chellah in Harare, Zimbabwe
Sunday October 12, 2008 [04:01]

PRESIDENT Robert Mugabe has gazetted government ministries allocated to the ruling ZANU-PF and the two MDC formations. And the three leaders have resolved to call back former South African president Thabo Mbeki to help in breaking the deadlock on the Ministry of Finance, which is still in dispute. President Mugabe recently gazetted the ministries allocated to the three political parties in line with the historic power-sharing deal signed on September 15, 2008.

The three principals namely President Mugabe, Morgan Tsvangirai and Professor Arthur Mutambara would now assign their members to the portfolios in the 31-member Cabinet.
Under the power-sharing agreement, ZANU-PF will get 15 ministries while MDC-Tsvangirai faction will have 13, leaving the remaining three to the MDC-Mutambara faction.

President Mugabe however, would not make any appointments until the facilitator, former South African president Thabo Mbeki returns to Harare to assist in breaking the deadlock on the outstanding ministry, which is the Ministry of Finance.

The assignment of the ministries was done in accordance with paragraph (a) of Subsection (1) of section 31 D of the republican constitution.

The ministries have been shared as follows: the ruling ZANU-PF will be in charge of the ministries of defence, home affairs, foreign affairs, transport, local government, mines and mining development, lands, agriculture and resettlement, environment, natural resources and tourism, higher and tertiary education, small and medium enterprises and co-operative development, justice and legal affairs, media, information and publicity, women's affairs, gender and community development and the ministry of youth development, indigenization and empowerment.

The MDC-Tsvangirai will be in-charge of the ministries of constitutional and parliamentary affairs, economic planning and investment promotion, energy and power development, health and child welfare, labour and social welfare, water resources development and management, public service, sport, arts and culture, state enterprise and parastatals, science and technology development, information communication

technology, public works and the ministry of national housing and social amenities.
And the MDC-Mutambara faction will be in-charge of the ministries of regional integration and international co-operation, education and the ministry of industry and commerce.

The Ministry of finance is yet to be allocated because it is still in dispute.
Meanwhile, the three principals have agreed to re-call Mbeki to come and assist in breaking the deadlock on remaining outstanding matters.
The former South African president is expected in Harare next week.

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