
Sunday, October 12, 2008

National Construction Council opens Kitwe office

National Construction Council opens Kitwe office
By Abigail Chaponda in Kitwe
Sunday October 12, 2008 [04:00]

COPPERBELT deputy permanent secretary Christopher Mutembo has urged National Council for Construction (NCC) to carry out its work diligently, efficiently and effectively to the government’s objectives of infrastructure development.

During the opening of the NCC northern region office in Kitwe on Friday, Mutembo said the Copperbelt and Northern Western provinces had of late experienced tremendous growth in infrastructure development through the opening of the mines.

He said it was for this reason that NCC was expanding and opening new branches in the provinces to deal with people’s concerns.

“The office that is being opened in Kitwe today (Friday) is to serve the Copperbelt, Northern Western, Luapula and Northern provinces. The opening of this office will also ensure a more enhanced registration system for our contractors and the more recently introduced suppliers and manufactures registration scheme,” he said.

Mutembo said it was important that the industry in Zambia was seen to be well regulated because the construction industry was a driving force in the development of a nation.

“It is common knowledge that the Zambian government and private sector have and continue to invest heavily in infrastructure development; therefore it is important that this investment is preserved and sustained to serve the intended purpose,” he said
Mutembo also said the government would fight any vice such as corruption that would hinder infrastructure progress in the country.

“The cost of corruption goes beyond increasing the total contract cost. The effects of corruption are more severe on our poor citizens who cannot afford alternative public service … nor can they afford to pay extra costs associated with bribery, fraud, extortion and other associated corrupt vices,” said Mutembo.

And NCC board chairman Dr Francis Ndilila said Kitwe was the anchor of the mining industry.

“The simple reason why we decided to open an office in Kitwe is because Kitwe is more central. And we hope that by opening an office here, we will be able to help Kitwe reclaim its rightful and respectable place as the mining place in Zambia,” said Ndilila.

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