
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Nyirenda opposes bid to change UNIP name

Nyirenda opposes bid to change UNIP name
By Masuzyo Chakwe
Tuesday October 14, 2008 [04:00]

UNIP National Revival Forum vice-chairperson Timothy Nyirenda yesterday said it would be illegal to change the name of the party because UNIP has no central committee. And Nyirenda said the forum would put up an injunction against the current UNIP leadership to stop them from changing the name.

Commenting on the suggestion by Dr Kenneth Kaunda that UNIP should change its name to United National Integrated Party for it to suit current politics, Nyirenda said the Forum was created because the party had no central committee.

He accused Dr Kaunda and party president Tilyenji Kaunda of personalising the party.

"But what they want to do is change the name but not the initials. When they change the name, it will mean that UNIP is finished and they have been trying to do this for a long time so that they are not held accountable for the assets of UNIP since the party would have ceased to be," he said.

Nyirenda said people did not want to associate themselves with UNIP as long as Tilyenji's name was attached to it.

Nyirenda challenged Dr Kaunda and Tilyenji to disclose what they discussed with Vice-President Banda before they came up with the position to support the MMD.

He said the Forum had been trying to meet Vice-President Banda with no success and threatened to revisit their support for MMD and support another candidate.

Dr Kaunda on Sunday told UNIP members who were attending a national leadership meeting of the 34th national council that the oldest party would in 2011 stand to integrate Zambia, as it was a sovereign nation.

And the delegations endorsed the proposal to change the party's name to move with the changes in local politics.

Vice-President Njekwa Anamela said changing the name of the party would give it a new image and vision and make it stronger.

The resolution was subject to ratification by the national congress.

Tilyenji said time had come to make decisions and chart a new direction for the party.

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