
Saturday, October 18, 2008

Political criminals can't be allowed to rule - Mpombo

Political criminals can't be allowed to rule - Mpombo
By Mutuna Chanda in Kalulushi
Saturday October 18, 2008 [04:00]

DEFENCE minister George Mpombo has charged that political criminals such as PF leader Michael Sata cannot be allowed to rule the country. And Mpombo said UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema was a political apprentice who required 'polio injections' and needed time to be weaned into political maturity.

Meanwhile, Mpombo said the MMD campaign team on the Copperbelt went on a rampage using door-to-door campaigns in wooing voters to elect Vice-President Rupiah Banda instead of the usual political rallies.

Addressing a handful of Chibuluma residents on Wednesday evening, Mpombo said Zambians should not experiment with leadership.

Mpombo, who spoke mostly in Lamba, told the residents that from late president Levy Mwanawasa's illness to his eventual death, there was peace and security in the nation because of Vice-President Banda's leadership.

He said Vice-President Banda had demonstrated that he had good leadership qualities, unlike Sata whose only record was that of being a colonial constable.

Mpombo urged Zambians not to waste time on Sata because he had no principles.

He described Sata's behaviour as someone who was unreliable, possessed and had poor judgment.

"Aikona ukutumpaika ku bantu iyoo; Ba president Kaunda, first Republican president balabile ukwebati yes Sata talingile ukuba pali bu president Sata inchito ingamulinga yabu district governor nabu deputy minister Do not be cheated by people; president Kaunda said that Sata was not fit to be president but the only job that suits him is that of district governor and deputy minister," Mpombo said.
Mpombo charged that Sata was borrowing money from foreigners and that once he assumed power he would mortgage the country to alien interests.

"Umunthu kuti aya mukuleta shani aba ku South Africa balemwensha ne ndeke? Nga ba Michael Sata bafunya kwisa indalama isha kuchita hire helicopter brand new ukufuma ku South Africa? He is selling, mortgaging the integrity, sovereignty of this country

How can someone go and get pilots from South Africa to fly him around? Where has Michael Sata gotten the money from to hire a brand new helicopter from South Africa?," Mpombo asked.

He charged that South Africans were bankrolling Sata's campaign and that if he were elected President, the country would return into the hands of whites who gave him the money.

And Mpombo said Hichilema had long way to go before he could assume the leadership of Zambia.

He charged that Hichilema had nothing to offer. He said Hichilema only had cheap political pride and was therefore wasting his time.

Mpombo also declared that MMD was on a rampage on the Copperbelt where it was aiming to get more votes than it did in the 2006 elections.

Mpombo said instead of addressing campaign rallies, MMD was moving door to door to convince people to vote for Vice-President Banda and that the picture in the October 30 polls would change against PF.

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