
Thursday, October 16, 2008

Prof Mutambara calls for conclusion of Zim talks

Prof Mutambara calls for conclusion of Zim talks
By George Chellah in Harare, Zimbabwe
Thursday October 16, 2008 [14:30]

LEADER of the splinter MDC, Professor Arthur Mutambara has urged political parties involved in the SADC mediated talks for an all-inclusive government to avoid bickering and conclude the negotiations immediately. And losing presidential candidate Dr Simba Makoni said discussions on the allocation of government ministries should have been finalized before the deal was signed.

Addressing journalists at Harare 's Rainbow Towers Hotel last night, Prof Mutambara emphasized the urgent need to finalize the negotiations.

"The fact that we are bickering over ministries is a travesty of justice. Mutambara, Tsvangirai and Mugabe must shape up or ship out," Prof Mutambara said.

Prof Mutambara however, said that the negotiations had recorded some progress.

"We have had a very productive day and our discussions will continue tomorrow (Wednesday) at 10:30am," Prof. Mutambara said.
And President Robert Mugabe expressed optimism with the progress of the negotiations.

"We are continuing the discussions tomorrow (Wednesday) we have covered some areas," President Mugabe said.

While leader of the main opposition MDC Morgan Tsvangirai also said there was no conclusion to the discussion in the negotiations.
" We will continue tomorrow (Wednesday)," he said.

Addressing journalists earlier, losing presidential candidate and former finance minister Dr Simba Makoni urged the ruling ZANU-PF and the two MDC factions to conclude the talks and form an all-inclusive government.

He expressed confidence that an all-inclusive government would be formed between the rival political parties.

"I am an optimistic person. I expect that there will be a government from the agreement, but I can't tell you when," Dr Makoni said.
Dr Makoni said there was need to conclude the discussions around the framework of the new government.

He further called for the conclusion of the negotiations so that measures aimed at ensuring economic recovery could be implemented.

"Urgency is of the utmost essence, people are suffering and leaders ought to know that," Dr Makoni said.

He said discussions on the allocation of ministries should have been finalized before the deal was signed.

"We wonder what compelled leaders to sign an incomplete agreement if there were major issues unresolved," Dr Makoni said.

"They raised people's hopes and expectations, whetted the national appetite for progress, only to dash the hopes and expectations."
Dr Makoni participated in the March 29 presidential elections.

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