
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Rupiah accuses Sata of being quarrelsome

Rupiah accuses Sata of being quarrelsome
By Chibaula Silwamba in Katete and Christopher Miti in Sinda
Wednesday October 22, 2008 [04:01]

MICHAEL Sata is a quarrelsome leader, MMD presidential candidate Rupiah Banda has charged. And Vice-President Banda assured never to revenge against people that are allegedly abusing and insulting him because those same individuals did the same to the two former presidents and late president Levy Mwanawasa.

Drumming up support for his candidature in next week's presidential elections at Omelo Mumba School in Katete on Monday, Vice-President Banda said Sata had picked up quarrels with almost everyone in Zambia.

"…the other problem Mr Sata is likely to face is that he is a quarrelsome leader; of the 40 members of parliament, he has dismissed 26. What kind of a man is this? How can he lead you ordinary people if he chases his own members of parliament? What kind of a man can stand up and claim that he wants to be president when his only mark, the only thing he knows best is to pick quarrels with everyone in this country, to insult people, to have no respect for any body?" Vice-President Banda asked.

He alleged that Sata had insulted, thereby, disrespected paramount chiefs Gawa Undi of the Chewa people of Eastern Province and Chitimukulu of the Bemba people of Northern Province.

"I want to say it here in Katete, he Sata insulted our leader here Kalonga Gawa Undi and accused him of having taken bribes from me.
Something I don't know about and anyhow anybody who knows Kalonga Gawa Undi knows that he would not stoop so low and to be bribed by anybody,” he said. “Sata has no respect to Kalonga Gawa Undi, he has no respect for Chitimukulu, and he has no respect for all traditional leaders of this country. How can he be our leader?"

He said he would ensure that leadership like that of Sata was eliminated from Zambia.

He said he would defeat Sata in Lusaka, which the opposition leader claims to be his stronghold.

"We will see where he is going to boast from? We will see how he will boast? We are with him," Vice-President Banda said.
He complained that his opponents had abused and insulted him during the campaigns but he had remained steadfast.
"After all, I am not the first one that they have been abusing; they did that to Dr Kaunda, they did that to Dr Chiluba, they did that to the late president Levy Mwanawasa. They have done it to me. I will never revenge."
Vice-President Banda said his fight was not against the individuals insulting him but to fight against the evils that affected Zambians.

"That is what I will do once you elect me your president; I will work for you. That is why I like that slogan when you say, azaphika nsima ndani? I am ready to accept that responsibility," Vice-President Banda said. "We are determined to continue the programmes that we have started; rebuilding our schools, building of schools, building hospitals and health centres. We are determined to support you in your agricultural efforts so that Zambia can be truly a better place to live in."

During his 20-minute address, Vice-President Banda regularly pointed a finger, rebuking some male MMD youths who were harassing women as they tried to maintain order whenever the women jostled to catch a glimpse of him.

"You! You! Don't push the women with a knobkerrie, just point at them with your finger," protested Vice-President Banda against a male cadre in front of him, while state security personnel looked on.
At the same rally, UNIP president Tilyenji Kaunda warned that there would be a disaster in Zambia if Zambians failed to vote properly the presidential poll. Tilyenji said this election was an extraordinary one and needed extra ordinary decisions.

"We must think about our future, you people in Katete you know what happened to the people of Eastern Province, you are neighbours with Mozambique where the RENAMO have been fighting with the government for many years. You also know what happened to refugees," said Tilyenji, who is under pressure from within his party ranks and file demanding his resignation on allegations that he has weakened the former ruling party which was vibrant under his father's leadership, Dr Kaunda.

Earlier in Sinda, Vice-President Banda said he would not settle scores against any person once he becomes president after October 30.
Vice-President Banda said he had been a target of innuendoes but he has never insulted back.

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