Sunday, October 26, 2008

(TALKZIMBABWE) BBC backing of Tsvangirai disgraceful

BBC backing of Tsvangirai disgraceful
Mhofeti – Opinion
Sat, 25 Oct 2008 13:20:00 +0000

DEAR EDITOR – (In response to Prof Arthur Mutambara’s interview on the BBC’s Hardtalk interview) the BBC's public backing of Tsvangirai is becoming embarrassingly disgraceful even for Movement for Democratic Change as it brings into question whose interests they are pursuing in the current agreement.

No one can deny that the agreement – imperfect as it is – represents a major shift of policy from all the past Zanu PF led governments and is going to usher in a new political dispensation.

Someone once said that politics in Zimbabwe will never be the same again after the March 29 harmonized elections and the unity agreement is actually a further consolidation of the same gains.

What was the chance of having more cabinet posts for the Opposition if President Mugabe was going to unilaterally appoint the Cabinet after the June 27 run off election?

Time will come when we will have to reflect on the reasons of our continued bickering – whether it is about substance in the power-sharing agreement or about personalities. I say so in the face of ploys to present Zimbabwe's complex political situation as a simple straightforward two-way-choice between evil (Mugabe) and good (Tsvangirai).

What quickly comes to mind is the way Mr Stephen Sackur desperately failed during the BBC Hardtalk interview to whip Prof. Mutambara into line and pledge allegiance to Tsvangirai.

Prof. Mutambara never lost his focus to speak for the voiceless despite constant interruptions to defend his position against Tsvangirai's.

I must admit that Arthur Mutambara earned my respect with his calm and focused answers.

Again the question is: “Are these people backing Tsvangirai for our or their interests?”


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